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I was running thru a field so fast the view on the sides became blurry and all i could hear was my heavy breathing. I thought im gonna faint when i finally reached the doors, I pushed them open and without slowing down, I instantly hit something with my entire body.

It was someone's bare back.

-Watch your fucking step - I heard someone spit angrily. I finally looked up to see half naked boy who was in the middle of putting his shirt on. When our glare met, his eyes widened and he started scanning my face with a speed of the light. He choked and couldn't say a word. That's it, I realized I was in males changing room. The room filled with 1 second silence and when all the attention shifted towards me everyone gasped. They weren't even trying to hide their shock. "Is that her??" "Oh my god that's the girl!" "It's her I can't believe this" "that cannot be her" "oh my god she is here" "it's really her". The tall boy who I bumped into looked behind him at his buddies with a sour expression not liking the commotion I have caused. He shushed them and then finally met my eyes again. The look was nothing like the one he gave me for the first time. His eyes were ice cold, there was nothing behind them apart from his ego and a little bit of annoyance.

-And who the fuck even are you? - he spoke to me with the voice which tried to obviously belittle me. The entire room gasped in disbelief he said that.

-Draco, It's Ronnie Ray - someone said very quietly as if they were afraid to speak to him.

-Did I ask you? - he spat angrily giving him a quick death glare and returning to fix his eyes on me.

-And you? - I cocked my head up in confidence as he was way taller than me.

-Who are you? - I narrowed my eyes. He gave me a little sarcastic chuckle while he looked back for the support of his buddies.

-My name is Malfoy. Draco Malfoy - he crossed his arms folding the tshirt between his fingers.

-Meh, doesn't ring a bell - I stated and you could hear something between gasp and a giggle in the room.

-Well as you can see, unlike you, I don't need to introduce myself, your team already knows me - I gave him my best passive aggressive smile and then looked behind him at the rest of the boys who didn't dare to say a word. I turned around to walk out of the door.

-Good luck today gentlemen - I winked at them and then pulled out my wand.

-comroupasse - i vocally expressed the spell and the bully's shirt covered his naked torso in split second. He got scared and tried to yell something but I exited and went to find the right changing room this time.

My name is Veronica Rey but you all probably know me by Ronnie. I am one of the most famous quidditch seeker in the world of magic. Half pure blood, my father a very well known however controversial wizard and my mom - a muggle. A muggle with personality bigger and more powerful than most of the spells known to this planet. She is a medium. She vibrates on the higher energy than most humans and have some mild telepatic skills, but at the end of the day she is a muggle. Since a very young age I displayed extraordinary witch skills. There is a legend about my name that after my first magic manifestation when I was still a baby, Ministry called an emergency meeting whether or not I should be tamed and put under extra supervision or even eliminated... as a growing threat to them. My father swore on his life to tame my powers himself and make sure I won't use it towards anything that could harm the world of magic. Or muggle world for instance. So my father did the only thing he could think of, he diracted my attention to sport and quidditch since the very young age. Hoping this will put the madness around my name to sleep. I was sent to Lunahades, school for supernatural wizards and other magicial creatures. We were popular for unconventional methods of study and approach towards magic. Due to quidditch I was a national treasure to my school as the best player. The fact I was a girl and much younger than average players gave me even more recognition. There was always so much stigma to me and my family. Since I was a baby, people wanted to see me, speak to me, look at me, touch me, see if I was real and who I was. Between you and me, I don't believe my mom is a muggle. She is something else. There were legends about her family tree having roots to werewolves or other unspeakable forest creatures, people from Ministry call her a fairy, but legally she is taken as a muggle. Another legend that stuck to my family name is my father as a young graduate and a very poweful wizard was offered a place among death eaters, an army of you know who, but after he married a woman from a muggle world, the Dark Lord dropped him and called him a disgrace believing he is disrespecting the pure blood. But again, those are only some legends I have heard growing up. At the end of a day, I am a regular 13 year old teenager. Growing in a spotlight and having your every step watched is exhausting, and sometimes I wish I could disappear. I wish I could change my name and my face so no one can recognise me.

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