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I was coming back from the pitch. It was way past legal time but I didn't care. I tried to sneak in to Slytherin dorm without being noticed. I swear the walls had ears in this castle. I saw couple of ghosts flying but they promised not to snitch. It was very dark on the corridors so had use the lumos spell. The painting entry was just around the corner when something grabbed me and pushed me against the wall so hard I banged my head. I couldn't believe my eyes when I saw Malfoy in front of me. I felt his tight grip around my throat. He held his wand to my neck.

-If you disrespect me like this ever again. Ever! I will destroy you. And I won't care about getting expelled. You hear me? - he got in my face.

-You come to my school acting like you can own everything. You come to my school and show no respect to me or my house. Well listen little birdy, just because you're hot and everybody wants you doesn't make you the queen of this castle - he spoke aggressively looking me dead in the eye.

-Oh so I'm hot now? - I asked back and took the opportunity while he was processing my response.

-Depulso! - I fired a spell and he went flying until he heavily hit the ground.I tried to catch a breath but he got up much faster than I expected.

-Expeliarmus - I charmed again and this time his wand went flying but he just raised his two hands up in a gesture of parley.

-Wow, very impressive for a 4th grader. Would be a shame if Dumbeldor found out about this - he put on his signature side smirk.

-Listen here you little bleached shit - I spoke and you could hear venom spitting through my words as I got close to him with my wand pointing forward.

-First of all, I didn't wanna be here. My heart and my loyalty belongs to Lunahades. Such a 'respected' wizard as yourself should know what happened to us. A little compassion for your brothers and sisters of magic wouldn't hurt. - I poked his chin with the tip of my wand as he leant against the wall still holding his arms up in surrender.

-I didn't choose to be like that and I also didn't choose to be a slytherin. I didn't threaten, belittled or mocked anybody. I didn't even look at your stupid mug EVEN after you almost costed me life a year ago - I was loosing my temper and he sensed it. I saw a little seed of fear in his eyes and I fed off that.

-I'm better, stronger and smarter than you and this is what you cannot handle.

-Well you're not faster than me - he said with a smirk and I didn't even know when he picked up his wand from the floor and poked me with it. His face turned to a bit of glory, satisfaction and lust. We both stood facing each other with our wands under each other's chins.

There was a very intense debate inside of me whether or not to finish him off. My hand was shaking and I don't think I breathed in the last 5 minutes. I finally inhaled and lowered my wand first.

-You really are not worth it Malfoy - I said very disgusted at the whole situation. I turned around to walk away but his walk was faster and he overtook me.

-Draco, your head - I gasped and he touched the back of his skull. There was a very prominent cut and the blood coloured his blonde hair red.

-See? This is why you're a Slytherin. - he looked at me with chaos in his icy grey eyes and that crazy smirk. I shook my head and walked up to him.

-We have to go to Pomfrey - I grabbed his arm and tried to pull him with me but he stood there like a stone and just looked down on me and I removed my hands off him immediately.

-Are you dumb, Rey, and what are we gonna tell her? - he asked me.

-I don't care, you're bleeding we need to go and see her now!

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 27, 2020 ⏰

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