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We all returned to our schools some happier than others. It was mid terms, so still the wole semester, half a year in front of me. Winter approached very quickly, I loved winter. Snow was something else. It gave the mood I adored. 

As for the Championships and the last game... We both got disqualified. Me and the other boy. The last match didnt count to our punctation. Lunahades won over Hogwards just a few point ahead but nobody wanted to celebrate. I had 4 ribs broken and hip dislocation and the blonde boy both of his legs broken and his lumbar vertebrae cracked. Not to mention the open wunds, the bruises and other injuries. I was immediately transferred to Lunahades hospital as my father insisted. I had my ass whooped by father and headmaster of my school, they wanted to suspend me, they took my wand away for the whole winter break and I had detention for a month after returning to school. They said I could have killed him but then he dragged me down with him and we could have died. Both of us. As for the boy... Its funny how I already forgot his name, but I could still see him in my dreams from time to time. The little smirk on his bloody face when we laid under the tree, right after the fall. Right when I thought I am being transferred to the beyond, saying bye to my parents in my head this dumbass laughed... I will never forget that moment. 

My mom being the most pure hearted person sent his family an owl with a letter asking if their son was okay and how is the recovery. My dad snapped at her for doing so, claiming he has been on the match and he has seen he was the one to start the shoving battle. But my mom... you know, she just said ''Charles... he is also somebody's son''. I only know that they took forever to reply and when they did the letter was addressed to my father instead... 

I spent 2 weeks in the hospital, reading books and using forbidden charms to entertain myself. I couldnt walk and it was hard to breathe but I still tried to play with potions to stay ahead of my class. Rene visited me everyday. She was my best friend at Lunahades. Both parents of muggle blood but her hard work and absolute dedication brought her to one of the most powerful school for wizzards. She was the nerd to my recklessness. Incredibly brave witch, my soul sister. She would bring gosspis from school, telling me how Im on everybody's tongue. After the incident, people truly started believing I was suicidal and impossible to tame. I didnt understand, people fall from the brooms all the time.

The worst part about it was that I couldnt go back to training till the very end of the year. My recovery was my biggest punishment. I would sit at the stands and watch my team practise. Every day. Every fucking day. 2nd month in, Kevin borrowed me his broom to have a quick flight around the school. He was no allowed to of course and we got into trouble. Once again. Life without quidditch was hard. I couldnt unload my energy elsewhere. I was hyperactive and needed to process the extra boost I had, but couldnt replace quidditch with nothing. I started getting into fights with my parents and professors. I was practising spells I was not allowed to. I trashed at least two classrooms and my room over and over. You know, the spell gone wrong. I was running and couldnt find my destination. I was no longer the pupil of the school. I was rebel. I was a black sheep. A fallen angel. Of course I used to sneak out and practise on my own at night, where everybody was sleeping. It was not the same tho. I dreamt of hearing the stands chant my name again. The buzz of the audience. The proud look in my fathers eyes. But you know... eventually everything returned to normal. Semi normal. It just faded into the old routine. 

Until the very last week of school. I was graduating the 3rd year. One night 20 students disappeared. Just like that. Next day 3 professors went missing. The werewolves were gone. The elfs were gone. Goblins returned to their previous houses. Even the ghosts in the castle started whispering about mysterious energy filling the entire south of England. The Ministry of Magic arrived in the matter of 48 hours and together with our headmaster came to the decision, the school needs to be closed until the further resolution. It was a tragedy. A true tragedy. We were prime magic school in UK. I sensed the prime minister was deeply satisfied with this tho, they were looking for a reason to close us down for years. Part of me thought this can even be a conspiracy coming from them. They strongly disagreed with our methods of learning and wanted to put an end to it. They couldnt tho, because this school held some of the most popular wizzards ever to exist. Well I guess now they could. The graduation celebration was hurried and everybody cried. Well I didnt, but I never cry, so thats no surprise. But the bonds we had with the professors and between each other were unspeakable. This was my home. My future. This school has raised me. Formed me into who I am. I loved every single brick in this castle, every scent, every talking candle, the village and most of all I loved our pitch. It was the biggest and best equipped among them all. Leaving this school was my very first heartbreak. All the newspapers, radio stations you could hear this everywhere in every pub, every corner: The fall of Lunahades. 

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