Chapter Three- A Little Spell

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Harry tries to grab it from Draco tripping in the process and falling onto Draco, Draco hissed as he fell back the notebook falling from his grip. "You git!" He hissed pushing him away sitting up and holding his head. Harry reaches for his notebook grumbling about how much of a git. Draco was He smirked and went to a chair and pulled out his textbook acting like he made notes and he made a new publishment.

Announcement: a little bird has spread a rumor to me that they think who Mr. Autumn Fox is. The leading rumor seems to be a Weasley but I have my doubts ~Winter Crane.

That was a lie, there was no rumor but he wanted to see what he could do. Harry grabs his notebook and sits down far away from Draco not knowing that Draco has read his book he reads the post the Winter Crane made and his eyes widened. Draco still looked bored and unimpressed to keep Harry thinking he hadn't read it. He smiled seeing all the remarks fly in asking what he knew and to tell them.

comment: sorry but I won't reveal the candidates that the bird has offered until tomorrow. ~Winter Crane, "No way could he know it's me" Harry whispers to himself he decided to ignore the comments and works on his 4th chapter for his new book also posting the last part for his other books, Draco in the meantime got to work on several fanfiction chapters. However, he did not post any of them yet. 

He went back to the comments seeing who other people think it is. Harry finishes the 6th chapter of his book and posts it working on another 6 chapters, Draco narrowed his eyes seeing that Harry was posting even more so he decided to give the readers a bit more of Fanservice, he decided to turn one of his few dreams into a story. 

Harry smiles at the comments he got and continued working, working on other stories as well he scratched his head and smiles as he came up with new stories to post, Draco, however, had to stop today. After a time his writing seemed forced, so he made a post he was taking a break to make halfway through tomorrow. 

Harry yawns and stops writing because his wrist hurt he puts his notebook away and lays his head on the table. Draco as well put his head down. After writing this much he was tired and he needed a nap. Harry also falls asleep after a moment he falls out of his chair and hits the ground he gasps and wakes up, Draco looked at him and raised a brow. "You ok their young puppy?" Harry growls at Draco "I'm not a puppy" Harry says crossing his arms over his chest, "You certainly act like one. 

No training, no respect for your superiors, can't even keep yourself well-groomed. All your missing is a collar and a lead." Draco says, "I bet you would love me to be your puppy," Harry says standing up and sitting back down in his chair "Don't tempt me. My father can make it happen and your life would be hell unless you behaved." He said smirking as he saved all this for a fanfiction for either tomorrow or maybe Saturday. 

Harry rolls his eyes at Draco "You wouldn't dare" Harry says looking him dead in the eyes "Would you like to try me?" He snapped as he stood and approached him grabbing his shirt collar. "I don't think you do," Draco says "You won't be able to Malfoy," Harry says with a smirk and pushes Draco away from him standing up "Oh yea why's that Scarhead?" He snarled his eyes narrowing. "I bet you'd love to be my puppy. Obeying my commands cause that's all you ever known back in the muggle world." Harry tilts his head "You have no power over me Malfoy" Harry says crossing his arms turning his head to the side, Draco smirked and stepped around him. "Oh I have more power than you know Potter....or should I say, Mr. Fox?" He could do this. 

He reveals he knew but since Harry didn't know he was winter Crane he definitely had the upper hand. Harry arches his eyebrows "I have no idea what you are talking about Malfoy" he huffs looking at his bag and back, "I think you do. I am in close relation to a certain writer you know about. I've heard about your scrabble but I never realized a love story between us was what you two have been fussing over. 

So unless you want your identity public for your "fans" to read I'd suggest you don't make me mad" Draco says. "The only way you could know I wrote anything of that sort is if you have read anything I have written," Harry says turning around facing Draco, Draco blinked but swallowed a lump in his throat keeping his composure. "Of course I have. I stole your notebook earlier remember? You honestly think I didn't read it to see why you tried keeping it a secret?" Harry rolls his eyes "Well isn't that interesting" Harry says taking a step closer to Draco "They only way anyone could read that is if they were in the fandom" Harry says with a smirk Draco blinked and raised a brow. "It's a notebook anyone can read anything in a notebook." He snapped. 

He knew the notebooks were charmed so they were all connected but surely not charmed so only 'fandom members' could read... right? "It has a little spell on it," Harry says "I made it so that only fandom members could see it," Harry says tilting his head with a smirk Draco scoffed. "th-there's no way someone like you could possibly actually perform that kind of spell." He snapped. "Either way even if I was in the group you have no idea what I do." Draco says "I got Hermione to help me with the spell and you're in the fandom so that means you're a reader or maybe even a writer," Harry says with a smirk.

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