Chapter One- Detention!

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The sun was rising and Draco hadn't slept the previous night. He'd just written his latest fanfiction. It was more so a hurt and comfort thing were in the end after his father had disowned him, they shared a bed in their apartment and Harry made a wish under the stars. A wish that nothing would tear them apart and that their love would be eternal. The blonde yawned and started to get ready. 

Harry rubs his eyes and keeps writing "I need to finish this chapter" Harry says to himself yawning and stretching looking out the window and gasps "Bloody hell have I really been up all night" he asks nobody standing up so fast that he knocks over the chair he was sitting in then picks it up and runs around getting ready for class "I can't be late again" he says to himself after he gets dressed he runs back over to his fic reading it over the last sentence quickly 'Draco gave Harry a small smile and grabs his hand walking down the lakeside'. 

As soon as finished and ready he grabbed his book and headed out so he could read what other content people had provided over the past few days. He was clever and his name on these little stories was so unrecognizable. It was 'winter crane.' A perfect choice of name in his opinion, elegant and unrecognizable. Harry put his notebook into his bag and ran out of the Gryffindor common room trying not to run into anyone on the way out.

 When Draco bumped into him in the hall he snickered. "You look a little half put together Potter. You wake up late as usual?" Draco says in a snarky tone"Oh shove off Malfoy" Harry says with a slight blush and walks to the Great Hall for breakfast. Draco, however, followed right behind like a puppy. "No, I don't think I will Potter. You're already half put together, your clothes and hair are a mess, you clearly don't have everything you need for classes today, you're also coated with ink on your skin" Draco says with his infamous smirk. "I said shove off Malfoy" Harry turns towards Draco with a hiss, Draco laughed and pinched his cheek. "What's wrong? Little puppy getting angry that he's being scolded?" He sneered.

 "Dress yourself properly instead of like an animal and maybe I'd respect you more" Harry smacks Draco's hand away and walked away not wanting to get detention and disappoint his readers on not posting a chapter, He walks into the great hall and sat next to Ron and Hermione picking at his food. Draco sat with his own group of friends and just listened to their conversations while he ate.

 He went through his notebook and started reading some of the other works there. Maybe he could get some new inspiration. Harry hears other students talking about him and another writer "Hey have you heard there might be a little war between Autumn Fox and Winter Crane?" One asks and the others nod, Harry shakes his head and pulled out his notebook reading over some of his old works cringing at how badly written they where. Draco himself heard a few whispers going around. "My bet is on Autumn Fox"

"No way Winter Crane!"

"Dude Autumn Fox writes so much better wholesome content"

"Winter Crane gets knee-deep in serious smut action, drama, and can really hit you in the feels" Draco shook his head at the bickering. He had to admit though this 'Autumn Fox' would be a formidable opponent, though obviously he would never admit it and would crush Autumn Fox. Harry stands up and walks out of the Great Hall shaking his head he walks down the halls hearing more about 'Autumn fox in Winter Crane war' rolling his eyes and walking into the library going to the back of the library and posting his new chapter after doing that he walks around the library looking for books to help him pass the test in potions class. Draco had posted his chapter-long ago and simply waited for comments to roam the school. He quickly read Autumn Fox's newest work though and yea he was impressed.

 Harry was bored and decided to see what type of writing Winter Crane could do so he read the newest chapter of his book and he was impressed on how well written it was "Not bad" he whispers to himself he stops reading it and works on his newest chapter and was planning on posting double today. Draco had a schedule. He posted once a day and Monday to Saturday and posted double on Sunday, Monday to Thursday was fluff, Friday was triggering topics, Saturday was smut, and Sunday was reader's choice.

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