Chapter Nine- Playing The Role

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Stream had given a gentle nod at the boy's words and hummed gently as her tail flicked. She followed close behind the boy and leaped up shrinking in size so she could fit in his pocket again and she settled there as she thought of her own ideas. If Draco and Harry were going to get anywhere they clearly needed help from the outside. After wandering the halls for a few minutes Harry snapped his fingers. "Stream! I got an idea." Stream poked her head out and flicked her ears. "About that whole 'Alpha' thing. You're a leader, right? You can help me, help me give off the same alpha energy you do!" Well, it wouldn't be the first time she had done something like this.

"Stream help Lightning. Stream help Lightning be alpha!" Stream said nodding her tiny head at the male. Harry nodded as well and with a new sense of courage he went off to find Draco, looking at the map searching for where his dot was. Harry then followed, being sure to come out ahead of him and he put the map away as he waited. After a few short minutes, Draco's gasp could be heard before a growl.

"Harry! What do you want?!" He snapped. "Why do you keep following me?" Harry glanced at him and simply smirked and chuckled.

"I simply decided to come find you, see I had a proposition," He said raising a brow. Stream thought about what the male could say before humming gently.

"Lightning want to see Snake at dinner."

"I wanna see you at Dinner, Gryffindor table." Harry said keeping his tone cool and calm.

"Why would I do that?"

"Repeat. Tougher, more stern." Stream whisper hissed sneakily moving from his pocket to around his neck.

"I said," he made sure his tone was more demanding. "Dinner, Gryffindor table. I expect to see you there" Draco blinked and stiffened at the change of Harry's tone. Stream seemed to be correct, Draco did seem to react differently to his more dominant exterior. Draco soon turned away with a hiss.

"Fine. I guess I'll see you at the Gryffindork table. I'm not sitting by the weasel or mudblood though" Draco hissed before marching off, trying to at least seem like he still had his dignity. Harry feels a true smirk form, Draco truly was slowly losing his composure. Perfect.

"Stream, that worked perfectly, you seem to be right, he does like the alpha appearance" Harry hummed as he watched the dragonek nod, clearly knowing she'd be correct in her theory. She continued to tell the male other ways to attract the blonde, though she clearly knew nothing about his home life. Harry, however, knew but he just wanted to try SOMETHING to get the male to change his view of him. Harry hadn't seen a negative effect yet so he continued with Stream's plan. By the time dinner had come and Harry had walked in Draco was indeed seated at the Gryffindor table, several students eyeing him strangely and the blonde just responded with his usual hostility. Harry sat down beside the blonde and glanced at him, never actually moving his head. "So you actually came, huh?" he said.

"Yea. Since you want to be a sick bastard and give me no choice" Draco snarled back, disgust lacing his voice as he studied the people around him. They're all gits and that's all they'd be so long Draco was in Slytherin and was a Malfoy, Draco just knew it. "You happy now? You get to humiliate me in front of everyone by having me sit here" Harry raised a brow but cleared his throat.

"Lightning not looking to humiliate" Stream whispered. "Just teach polite"

"I'm not looking to humiliate you Draco, just teach you some manners" Harry repeated as he filled his plate with some food and started eating, Draco refusing to eat with students who were not of his house. He simply drank from his goblet and sighed softly. Why must a Malfoy like him deal with such malarkey?

"Draco, relax. It's really not that bad, you're just being bitter." Harry said chuckling. "Dare I say it's almost cute?"

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