Chapter Four- Stop Following Me Malfoy

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Draco scoffs "Or simply an observer, I did say I had close relations to winter crane. They may be family or a friend. As a Malfoy raised to be proper it is second nature to help a friend, especially to prove their worth above someone like you", "Oh sure Malfoy" Harry says sitting in his chair looking at Draco "You still seem very interested in me being your puppy" Harry says "Care to explain why?", "To get you out of the picture, and to teach you some proper manners" he scoffed looking away. 

"Whatever though I have better things to do than sit here and have you trying to infect me." Harry laughs and sits on the desk "Sure keep telling yourself that Malfoy" he sits on the desk with his legs under him open and his hands in between his legs tilting his head as if he was a puppy He looked at him and raised his brow curiously.

"Mhm. Ok if you're so smart and think you know my reasoning please enlighten me", "Not sure I want to say" Harry says looking at the clock then back at Draco "Tell what you think I'm talking about?", "You're probably just some sick bastard, I've read what you wrote about. I have to admit I wouldn't put it past you if you tried to charm me so you could do unspeakable things to me. It's all in your notebook" Harry chuckles and looks at the ground shaking his head laying on the desk "It seems you have quite the dirty mind" Harry says with a smirk "I do not! It's just in your character type. It's in your writing after all" he hissed narrowing his eyes. 

"Now spill it. What are you trying to pull? You realize I can tell everyone you're Autumn Fox and I can tell the whole school about your little writings. I guarantee most of the school will drive you out, and if they don't father will" Draco hisses "Are you sure you can do that Malfoy, if anything the people would love me more and for your father, I simply don't give a rats ass" Harry says turning on his side looking at Draco laughing a bit "Tell everyone it's just a matter of time until they find out" He growled and narrowed his eyes at him.

 "He can have you thrown out! Outcasted! He could even have you sent back to the Dursleys" he threatened. "Or possibly killed if he wasn't such a good man" Harry walks over to Draco and puts his finger on Draco's lips "Not another word Malfoy" he whispers, hissing in his ear Draco immediately stepped back and slapped his hand away. "Don't touch me, vile thing.", "Then stop speaking you git" Harry hisses walking back to get his things and leaves the room not caring if their detention was done or not Draco watched him go and bit his lip slightly shaking his head. Harry was just trying to get under his skin. Draco still had the upper hand. He grabbed his things and went to his dorm. He sighed softly and before going to bed he reluctantly decided to post.

Announcement: due to unexpected circumstances, I will have to postpone my writing for a while apparently someone has been causing trouble with my friend ~Winter Crane.

Perfect, unsuspecting, and smooth. Not even Potter will connect the dots. Harry sits in his room reading over his work yawning deciding to post one more chapter of his new book before closing his notebook falling asleep with it in his arms Draco had fallen asleep early and when he woke he went through his normal routine making sure he looked proper and kept a calm confident composure. 

However, he left his notebook in his dorm so Harry wouldn't see it. Harry wakes up and puts his notebook into his bag before walking into the bathroom trying to fix his mess of hair managing to get it to look like he was at least brushed he runs his fingers through his hair and walks out of the bathroom and to the Great Hall for breakfast. Draco was already there drinking down juice and water. He noticed Harry walk in but in the end decided not to say anything, which did get the group's attention but in the end, he snapped at them and they dropped the subject. "Honestly you lot are just as bad as Scarhead. Don't you know how to mind your own business" Harry sits with Hermione and Ron picking at his breakfast but in the end not eating any of it he stands up and walks out of the Great Hall, Draco watched and visibly relaxed much more. In the end, though, he decided to follow. 

Where would harry be going alone? He got up and quietly followed the boy. Harry walks to the ROR pacing back and forth a door appears and he looks around before walking in, Draco narrowed his eyes and slipped in behind him barely keeping himself quiet as the door hit his ankle and shoulder on the way in. He searched for a place to hide so he wouldn't be spotted. Harry sits on the couch in front of a roaring fire this place helps him think he smiles and pulls out his notebook writing running his fingers through his hair, Draco noticed he wasn't even looking so he quietly approached him watching curiously. "....I don't think you're allowed to be in this room Potter" Harry jumps and looks behind him "Bloody hell Malfoy" He says putting his notebook away "Is there anywhere I can go that you won't follow me" He says grabbing his things and walking out of the ROR shaking his head, Draco grabbed his arm and pulled him right back in glaring at him.

 "No. You think you can talk to me that way and sneak off like you're better." He snapped. "Know I'm above you, Potter. I have more power and wealth, you think you're such a hotshot, prove it. Humor me you couldn't even control a dog." Harry glares back and pulls his arm away "Do not touch me Malfoy" he hisses walking away again grumbling about how much of a git Draco is. Draco followed him and continuously insulted him and threatened to letter his father about Harry's behavior. Trying to push his buttons and show he was still on top, that Harry had nothing over him. "What happened to your guts? You had quite a lot in detention but you seem to just be a coward now" Harry turns around and growls "Draco Lucius Malfoy if you don't shut the fuck up I'll make you regret it" if looks could kill Draco would have died over a hundred times, Draco stopped hearing harry actually use his full name.

 His pride was on the line and he was acting on impulse before he could even think about he spoke. "I dare you to try scar headed Orphan" he snarled. Harry pushes Draco into a wall forcing him to stay in place "Are you sure about that, ferret?" Harry snarled back, Draco hissed at the harsh impact leaving a slight ring in his ears and a sting in his head and back. He should stop but at this point, he was in too deep. "Like I said you couldn't control a dog. You have no power.", "Oh but that is where you're wrong ferret," Harry says slamming one hand at the side of Draco's head and the other one grabbing Draco's chin He grits his teeth and growled quickly grabbing his robe and bringing his knee crashing hard into Harry's stomach.

 "Bastard" he hissed. "You think you're tough?" What the hell was he doing he needed to get lost before they were either spotted or Harry could actually do some damage. Harry holds his stomach and smirks at Draco "Now look who has no control" Harry says "I have control. You don't seem to have any manners" Draco pushed him away and started to walk off his head held in confidence. "Come back when you're worth my time, or can actually hold your ground" Harry chuckled just glad that Draco wasn't following him around anymore he walks out of the school and down to the lake.

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