This Jerk Wont Leave Me Alone And Im Ready To Kill My Sister

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3 hours later


"Then she just walked to some black van with all these band stickers and labels on it. It so did not look like it belonged to her. I mean she looked so prissy, with her brown eyes and natural sandy blonde hair and dayyumn she had the sexiest legs."

"What did you say her name was again Massie or something?” asked my best friend Matt lewis

"Hailey, her name was Hailey" I replied

"Well did you get her number?"

"Uhh no I didn’t"

"Dude what are you doing you see a hot blonde and you don’t pick up? Are you sick?"

"Any ways” I said continuing with my story about what had happened earlier today "after she got into her van she floored it into that jackass that was in the middle of the road, the one that went to punch her!!"

Matt just stared at me with his mouth practically on the ground

"Well did she say anything after or just drive off???" he asked anxiously

"'oops' that’s all she said and then drove off" I say remembering the smile on her face as she said it

She seems different. Not like the other girls I know. well she will probably try to find me after all I’m pretty sure after punching that old guy out I should be her hero by now right?




"Well" Amyy said after I told her, James, Mac and Jesse what happened and why I was late to band practice "at least you have a good reason and you weren’t just ditching us” she laughed

"Yeah cause I would ditch my best mates ever ahaha I'm just happy I’m out of that mini skirt ahh I missed my red skinny's hehe"

"Yeah" Mac agreed "never dress preppy again it makes you look uhhh---"he was cut off

"So not you "James and Jesse cut in, in unison

Okay James and Jesse are twins there both 17 they look identical if you didn’t know them but when you do it’s really easy to tell them apart. Like James has more of a blue tinge to his eyes and Jesse has green Jesse also has a freckle just under his eye but it is very faint. They both have long brown hair that covers one of there eyes.

Amyy is 16 and I have known her most of my life. We became best friends in grade 2 when I threw a bucket of red paint on a boy who stole her ball he he. She has long electric blue black hair that comes to the centre of her back

and Mac well he is my smelly big brother his full name is actually Macantire bobby-martin Andrews he’s 19 and he is the person I mostly get along with in my family he understands me and well he joined the band cause we needed a drummer. He has short blond hair that kind of spikes. Hehe best big bro ever.

Me well my name is Hailey but my mates call me fry I have shoulder length sandy blonde hair with side fringe. I am the singer in our band Mayhem Massikurr


Fry - Vocals

Mac - Drums

Amyy - Guitar

Jesse - Bass

James - Guitar

"Man I still find it weird when use talk like that, seriously how do use know what the other is going to say?" I asked referring to how Jesse and James speak in unison

"I don’t know" Jesse replied "we just think the same I guess; we don’t plan it or anything"

"Haha sure sure" I said and we all laughed

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