part 14

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"SHIT!"i screamed in pain as i landed and herd my leg break

and saw james stick his head out the window and smile? so i go up as fast as i could and ran witch was more of a limp away into the bush.

"hey come back here!" i heard andtried to go faster

man it hurts so bad running on a broken leg

i ran deeper ad deeper into the bus

isnt this where a vampire or ware wolf comes to save me or something?

this isnt a movie you know now run

i acedently triped over a log and fell flat on my face

"split up men sh cat be far"

oh crap oh crap oh crap!

shut up and move

i cant move and dont tell me to shut up

shut up

you shut up

shut up shut up shut up

shut up shut up shut up shut up

shut up shut up shut up shut up shut up

"WILL BOTH OF YOU PLEASE JUST SHUT UP"i accedently screamed

now you've done it 'the voices in my head said in unision

"this way"

i scrumaged around for my gun for protcection.

oh shit oh shit oh shit!!! what did i just do?

i grabed my gun and herd foot steps crunching leaves heading my way i tried to get back up but i collapsed

why did i ave to break my leg?

this is so gay

as lame as it seems i tried to cover myself in leaves in hope of camoflaging

"fry are you okay? why are you under leaves?" whispered james

"james"i cried"when i jumped out the window i broke my leg now i cant walk and yo never told me yo were in th marfia!"

"you never told me you were either!"

"technicaly im not"

"slight technicality"

"are you going to rad me out to them james?"

"no i wont your too much of a friend i wouldnt d that"

"yeah thats what i thought jesse woud think as well

boy was i wrong"

" yeah hes being a dick but he does love you"

"what ever you have to defend him your his brother"

"yeah i guess" he said scooping me up in his arms and placing me behind an enormus tree"i'll come back for you" he whispered and started the oppisite direction further into the forest "THIS WAY"he yelled to the others looking for me "I SAW HER RUN THIS WAY!!" they all headed in the direction james had run into

"LETS GET HER!!" a man from the group yelled

"YOU HEAR THAT PRINCESS WERE GONNA GET YOU"said anotherad soon the were all gone i just sat there against the tree unable to walk or even stand hoping noone would come this way.

i dont kno how long i was waiting for but after a while i grew sleepy bu forced myself to stay awake incase someone else came.

"fry" a far of whisper came "fry are you awake?"i felt myself bein shook a bit

"bac-mhhmmm"i said pulling my gun out but there wasa hand over my mouth so i couldnt speak

"fry its me james"

i took a moment to see that it acctually was him and i wraped my arms around im and held him close holing back a sob.

"come on " he said

"where are we going?"i asked in something less than a whisper

"i called your friend cole he said he was parked out front im taking you to him. im letting you go. i cant have my best friend be a prisioner" he answered

"thank you so much james, it means a lot"i half smile and kissed him on the cheek still a bit sad that my own boyfriend wouldnt let me go but would be the one to lock me away in a room.

"fry!!" i heard as we got closer to the car"are you okay?did they hurt you?"he rushed out thab tuned to james"umm thank you for returning her to us we will be forever gratefull"he said with a nodd

"my pleasure"james replied"fry is a realy good friend of mine i didnt want hr to be a person of ransom.if only my brother thought the same"he mumbled the last bit and handed me over to cole "i better go and help wih the search for  fry  but if its al right can we hangout some time you know where you wont bee seen ? "he asked and i merely nodded

"i would like that"i said in the most hushed voice i didnt know if he had herd me but he smiled

"kool well i'll call you"he leaned ovr and kissed my head"bye "he waved and ran back towards the forest.

"what happened why cant you walk?"cole asked once james was out of sight

"i was trying to escape and i jumped out the window up there i pointed to the top story of the masion "i kinda landed wrong and broke my leg"i gigled a bit feeling realy stupid

"that is so you"he laughed"now lets get you home ,you can see the doctor an i'll call mac for you."

"thank you cole"i said and kissed his head as he put me in the carad sped off

as we drove i drifted into a deep deep sleep

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