part 24

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okay so it has been almost 3 weeks since the trade, I have taken myself away from the mafia buisness after a very long descussion with the don about how if i breath a word then people would come after me and kill me and that he didnt want that for me, heck i didnt want that for me, though i new it had to be done i so will not tell anyone that doesnt already know.

"Argh! i still dont know what to do about the guys" i complained as i slouched onto my bed beside my three best two best friends, Amyy and Jayden, Unfortunatly Mac was out and he had told me that i just have to follow my heart, how can i follow my heart if i doint know where it is going?!?!.

"okay how about we make a list of things good and bad about both the guys and then see what it equals too" Amy sugested.

"OOh lets start with cole" Jay said eagerly.

"OKay" i breathed "good things about Cole, well i have known him since i was little as and he is realy sweet and protective but he is almostlike a brother to be and he did lie to me about Jesse"

"but he was just trying to protect you" Jay defended.

"when he should have told her the truth! and let her decide what to do, she is a big girl" Ammy argued "Now do Jesse"

"well jesse, I have known him a long time aswell and have had a crush on him for ages, he remembers the little things and is always there when i need him, even when i was little and he gave me molly, she was his favourite, and when we kiss it Just feels so,i dont know, Right"

"But" Jay added waiting for the bad things.

"He did Kidnap me and Kerry, He didnt tell me he was in the marfia and well, He made me break my leg!" i finished.

"in his defence though, he didnt know Kerry was like a sister to you or that you were involved in any way" Amyy said.

"And you didnt tell him you were in the marfia either" Jay also defended him.

"Not to mention" Amyy laughed "you were the stupid one who jumped out of a 2 story building and didnt let him explain he was going to get you out"

"You already know who you want to chose Hailey" they told me matter-o-factly in unison i sighed, i guess i do. after coming to the realisation of who i realy wanted to be with we sat in silence, not an awkward silence but a peaceful one.

"Okay do you  girlies want to stay at my house tonight and then we can sort out her boy-choosing-thing tomorrow?" Jay asked excitedly.

"sounds good to me" Amyy chirped up.

"I'm there! Just let me call and tell Mac"i said and walked out of the room doing just that.

"Hello Little Sister, Who shoves french fries up her nose" Mac answered in a sing songy voice.

"Hey mac, do you mind if i stay at Jaydens house with Amyy tonight?? he just lives down the road from us and hes gay" i added the part bout him being gay quickly, Mac doesnt like it when i sleep over random guys houses, not that Jay is a random but to Mac he is quite unfamilier.

"no problem Little one"

"Hey listen to our song we made up while you are at your house and not with us" One of Macs friends butted in saying

"okay sing" i said.

"bananas and monkeys and moose cow nippes

with french toast and bacon and fruit so tingly

the coppers they sing, tra la la la

and bels they ring, while the elephants squeels

and Hailey shoves fry's up her nose HEY!!" sang about five, drunken, blokey voices. i just laughed

"whose there??" i asked curiously and they all shouster their own names.



"Romper Stomper" My bros friend Charlie said in a dinosour tone, i gave him that nick name cause he used to play dinosours all the time and chase me making sure to trash my room.



"And ME Freddy-Boy-Sling-shot-moose-henry-pow!" god he is funny and such a retard when he is drunk.

"haha freddy your a loser, in fact all you boys are now i am going im guessing i will probaby see you all at my house in the morning so just one rule, NO SLUTS IN MY BEDROOM!"

"Its a Promise Baby Girl!!" Eddie yelled and they all sand their chorus's of 'goodbyes' and we hung up.i walked into the room to see them both staring at me with mischeviouse grins. oh no!.

"Why did i leave you two alone?" i asked out loud.

"because you stupid" the both chimed together.

"obviously i am"

"so who where you talking too?" Amyy asked curiously.

"yeah you have a smile on your face, and thats not any smile thats a boy smile" Jay accused.

"ok. 1.i was on the phone to mac and his friends, 2.i think i have enough boy problems and smile is an 'OH MY GOD those guys are stupid retarted, hellarious bunch of drunks' smile"i laughed, those boys seriously are the stupidest yet funniest people i know.

"well thats not as much fun now is it" Jay said in dissapointment.

"well thats what it was, okay now you too can head of to your i am going to grab some things even though it is just down the road, you know how i am" i laughed.

"Yeah okay meet you there" Amyy said and both their grins crept back even though you could see they were trying to hide them.

"ByeBye Butterfly!!" Jay sang as they ran down stairs letting themselves out.

"what are you two up to?" i muttered as i looked out the window to see nothing but an empty road. i pulled out my hello kitty back pack and filled it with my tooth brush, underwear, Pyjamas, jeans and a long sleeve Bless the fall band shirt.i walked back over towards the window to grab my keys taking a slight glance outside where i was my two loving best friends running accross the road with WATER GUNS in their hands. i peeled myself away from the window and crept down stairs making sure not to make too much noise, i quickly locked the door and ran back up stairs and back to my window. i shoved the keys into my back pack and put it on my shoulders, quietly opening my window and reaching over to the tree that was there. i scuttled dowwn the tree as fast and as silently as i could, i got to the ground and grabbed the front hose pointing it in their direction, which was in front of my front door with the guns pointing towards it. i turned the hose on full ball watching the water burst from the nosil and splatter onto their backs causing them to squeel out and me too laugh histerically.

This Jerk Wont Leave Me Alone And Im Ready To Kill My SisterWhere stories live. Discover now