part 23

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"where am i?"i screamed out to anyone though it didnt appear that anyone was there."who put me here?"i went on screaming out things, questions and demand untill i could sscream no more, my voice had become horse, my mouth so dry but there was nothing to drink, though my eyes had slightly ajusted  to the lack of light, i was still enable to see anything. i was left with my sence of smell, hearing and touch. and what i could here im not to sure i wanted to , mice and rats squeeking as they scurried past me. sure i am not scare of creatures but it was still quiet disterbing to be locked down here with them not knowing where i am or if anyone is planning on letting me out.fry wouldnt have done this right? i mean she wanted molly, that must mean something, i dont think it is like her to keep a friend captive not in a place like this anyway.

"having fun down here princess?" a now familier harsh voice asked.

"oh it is such a joy here, i have made some friends" i said refering to the rats unsure of whether he new that or not, hmm maybe i shouldn't be being so sarcastic at a time like this.. mehh

"well in that case you can stay here for the rest of your life" cole chuckled

"does fry know i am down here?" i asked

"its what is best for her, i will take care of her now she doesnt need you" he replied in a snappy tone.

"she wont like this you know"

"yes well she thinks that you have gone home, so she will not know" he chuckled.

"she will find out you cant do this!, if you love her you will let me go"i said slighlty in desperation. he just walked out locking the door behind him, i know this because it echoed through the room.\


"how long do we have until its time?" i asked james anxiously.

"we have about 10 minutes, come on lets go get some cookie dough and wait in the lobby" he sugested.

"yeah that sounds good"i agreed and we did that, we just sat at the bottom of the stairs awaiting the dons arival.

"well i see you too are both verry anxious to get him back" the don chuckled as he entered the lobby.

"yes, we certianly are" i answered.

ding dong, ding dong.

"thats them" i half squeeled excitedly.

"fry would you like to do the honours of opening our door?"don harp asked me i nodded ferosiously at him and ran to the door.

"We have Brough-Fry?"John started off Gruff but his tone and face turned into confused.

"hey"i hugged him greatly"im sorry i did this to you but you see Cole told me he was already here and i do still love him" i told him, he should understand, he is the most fatherly figure i have ever had.

"well hunny why didnt you tell me this i would have helped, after all i am the don" he replied"just dont ever do that again without telling me i was worried sick"

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