CHAPTER 23 - Signal

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"Oh, you finally came to visit" Julius said with a smile as he stopped his action to look at your composed yet happy looking figure.

"My kingdom is in marvelous state so I had time to come here" You stated, taking a seat on a nearby chair.

"I sense trouble on your aura, Julius" you stated which made him flinch. Was he really an open book for you to read?

"Ahahaha... Really?" He asked nervously as you chuckled. You raised an eyebrow at him and chuckled.

"You helped me, now I need to help you. Spill it, Wizard King" you said while standing up to go near him.

"There's a traitor among us" He said in a serious tone as you were surprised by this little revelation. You out your hand on your chin and thought on who it might be.

"When you were on your kingdom... Terrorists had come to attack the capital. Unfortunately, Feugoleon was taken out and it seems like they were after some stones" He informed you which you nodded at.

"Do you have any basis on who these terrorists may be?" You inquired which he nodded at.

"They call themselves The Eye Of The Midnight Sun" he said.

"They're leader had been identified to be known as Licht" he continued as your head felt a throbbing pain. Tou didn't show it because Julius is evidently stressed and you didn't want to add to that.

You feel a familiar ring to the name "Licht" and you didn't know why. Maybe you could ask the queen you've been seeing more recently.

"(Y/n)? Are you alright?" Julius stood up and placed his hands on your shoulders. You snapped back to reality and tapped his hands to signify that you're alright.

"What do you plan on doing?" You asked him as he sighed and closed his eyes.

"I'm planning on finding out who that traitor is. It's most likely to be a captain" Julius said in a unsettled heart. He knew that it was partly his fault that the Kingdom is in it's current state.

"I'm going to help, alright? You seemed so stress. Go and relax yourself after your paperworks" you said as you saluted as him with a sweet smile.

You waved your hand goodbye and left to  go see the squad captains. Julius laid back on his chair and sighed again. You were sharp as ever as you detected his frustration.

It's true that he was frustrated and troubled over the traitor but there's another thing that he hid from you. He took out a small redvelvet box and opened it.

Inside of it was a ring that has roses engraved on it while the center holds one of the finest gems in Clover. He didn't know whether to propose to you or not .

It was a risk since there was probably another war going on and it would be inconvenient to marry at this time. He didn't know if he could keep a strong relationship with a queen of another kingdom while also defending Clover Kingdom.

"Should I?" He asked himself.

"No. Not now" He closed the box and kept it safe on his extra pocket.

"I need to put the Kingdom first, I'm sure (Y/n) would do the same for her Kingdom" he tried to convince himself even though in reality, he was just scared.

Julius started on his paperwork and finished them in no time. He didn't find paperwork as boring as before because he knew that you were passionate about work so aspires to be the same as you.

You know what they say, if you love someone, you'll tend to copy their habits and likes. Marx opened the door to check up on the Wizard King.

"You're out of character" the strange haired man stated.

"Oh am I?" Julius smiled .

"Since your world revolves around (Y/n), I'm assuming it's because of her?" He asked as Julius nodded at Marx.

"I'm lost in my path again, Marx" Julius said while remembering his memories with you.

"How so?" He asked, trying to fix the problem of the Wizard King.

"I don't know if I should propose to her" He said with all truth as Marx grew astounded at his words.

"That's wonderful! It's also beneficial to Clover Kingdom" Marx replied enthusiastically.

"I'm not sure, I feel like something awful will happen soon in the future. I couldn't risk giving her high hopes only to be crushed" the Wizard King said. He was always a man of great intuition so something tells him that this isn't the right time.

"I suppose that's right but you should really consider telling her your plans" Marx responded and left the man to think fir himself.

The moment Marx left, you appeared out of thin air. You looked excited which made the purple eyed man look at your figure with slight confusion.

"(Y/n)? You seem so excited" he slightly chuckled. You smiled even wider and stood infront of his desk.

"I know how to make you relax, come to my kingdom! Even just for the day?" You happily pleaded him with your hopeful eyes.

"But paperwork—" he got cut off when you laughed at him.

"Julius, you always leave your work. Now it seems to bother you?" You giggled which made Julius blink his eyes multiple times and laugh along.

"I suppose you're right" he said aloud while you immediately took his hand as you used your magic to teleport. He was taken aback by your sudden action but soon found himself on an ethereal looking place.

The place was surrounded by magical looking waterfalls. He looked around and saw a significantly smaller palace.

"Welcome to my kingdom's special place. This was where my mother and father stayed when they want to take a break from all the kingdom work"  you informed him.

"We're right above my kingdom although, this place has been infused with magic so it's like a floating island. This place is also secluded too so no one can disturb your little place of relaxation" you happily exclaimed.

"This place is beautiful. Thank you for taking me here" he said in appreciation.

He was spending a day alone with you as his little getaway, wouldn't have it any other way. Although, he might not contain himself if you would turn him on. Accidentally or not, he wasn't sure if he could contain himself from claiming you.

Goodluck (y/n), tomorrow might be a wild day.

𝑻𝒉𝒆 𝑹𝒐𝒚𝒂𝒍 𝑮𝒂𝒎𝒃𝒍𝒆 {Julius Novachrono x Reader} {Editing}Where stories live. Discover now