Hallmark Christmas special (part one)- the one where miracles happen.

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Wow. It's been... awhile

-Herc POV-

I wake up to the oldest child on my chest, repeatedly slapping my face with pillows and the likes.

"Laff, babe, calm down a bit."

"Non, mon amour, it's Christmas! Finally Christmas, our first as an official family."

I smile softly, knowing damn well he's gotten us up earlier than considered humanly rational.

"Can I sleep a little more?"

"Can I sleep a little more?  Non, you boring baby, it's Christmas!"

"And if I'm going to be expected to host a party, I need sleeeeeep."

He ignores my whining and presses a soft kiss to my lips, wiggling around from his place on top of me in our 'communist pants'. A hand gently caresses my cheek as I part my lips and twist a hand into his hair so I can pull him tighter to me.

By the time we both pull away I'm slightly out of breath. He gently traces each of my curves, stopping with his hands firmly on my lower back. We share one more kiss, faster this time, before he slides out of our pants and away from me.

He was warm and comfy and I want him back.

"Fuck. I'm awake."

"It's a miracle!"


"Non, that's good. Because we have so much to do and so little time!"

"What time is it?"

"3:00 AM, giving us four hours maximum to get ready."

"Fuck. I'm not awake."

"Yes you are, now move!"

I'm kicked out of the bed, letting out a grunt as he jumps on top of me again. 

"Beautiful, if you're going to force me out of bed at stupid o'clock you can at least be gentle."

"Or I can not and you can get off the floor and help out a bit!"

He drags me to a standing position beside him, granting a quick peck before skipping away to go get dressed. I absentmindedly trail behind, not nearly as enthusiastic at this point in time. I grab the yearly shirt that has been deemed our lesbian Christmas sweaters by Peggy and her not-girlfriend Natasha and slip it on, leaving on my pj pants for the time being. 

Three AM is just not jeans time.

Laff stops for a second, grinning like the hopeless idiot he is before lunging at me, knocking us both to the floor.

"Um, Ow."

"Shh! I have something to tell you and I wanted to wait for tonight but I already held it in for over a week and I need to do it now!"

I like where this is going.

"Go on..."

"I didn't go shopping last week Herc. I'm sorry darling, I lied to you."

I no longer like where this is going.

"Woah woah woah, hold up. I thought this was a good thing."

"It is. I was at the doctors."

"This is not making it sound any better, please just tell me if there's actually any good news or if I need to cry."

"You don't need to cry babe. Because I'm finally okay Herc! You got me to take the medication. Just over three months and I'm finally doing better. I'm safe for you again, mon amour."

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