It's fuck o'clock

57 5 66

-Laff POV-

"Herc, is it ready?"

"Yes, Laffy love. You know it is."

"I'm sorry, I'm just feeling a bit stressed out. There's going to be so many people, so much food, so much to do. Just so much..."

"I know love, and it's okay. It's going to be perfect. You always make it perfect."

I smile as I'm scooped up into his arms, kissing him softly. He holds me out at arms length, spinning me in a circle until I hit my leg on the counter behind us.

Fuck that's pointy.

He pulls me back to rest against him, kissing me as I silently seethe in pain for a moment as I attempt to shake it out.

"You alright Laffy love?"

"Yeah, yeah I'm fine. Herc, we should get ready."

"What makes you say I'm not ready?"

I give him a quick glance up and down as he offers a small smile.

"The fact you're wearing nothing but our communist pants and rabbit slippers suggests otherwise."

"Communist pants?"

"Mhmm, because those are shared property now."

"Laff, we literally share everything we own. I honestly don't know if I could separate our closets into yours and mine anymore."

"Well I could. And now I've decided I'm going to do just that."

"That's stupid."

I ignore him and attempt to push myself out of his arms, but he won't let go. 

Aw, fuck.


"No love. I'm not letting you go back into the closet again, in any form. Stay with me?"

"There's a lot that needs to be done, mon amour."

"You could always start by doing me."

"Herc, love-"

I'm cut off as he kisses my cheek softly.

I suppose we have a while before anything needs to be done.

"We aren't fucking babe. We can't do that just yet. But we can kiss. I'd enjoy that."

"Then shut up and kiss me already!"

I'm set down on the countertop, straddling his waist as he gently presses our lips together. 

He can't offer to kiss me and go this fucking slow.

I give up on getting anything done right now and pull him tight against me, squeezing his hips and sticking my tongue inside his mouth in one fluent motion. Hands rub along my own hips, somehow both gentle and nurturing and rough and sexy at the same time as I let out a small moan. 

And fuck does that make it better.

Something in the Herc lights up, his massaging movements speeding up a bit as he presses against me harder. My upper half is pushed back into the wall, his tongue fighting out mine as I completely relax into him.

He finally pulls away as I let out a shiver, now disappointed at the lack of contact we just had.

"See Laffy love? Isn't this better than sorting through a closet?"

"Mhmm. Keep going.

"No, you said you're busy. And I respect that. I wouldn't want to get in the way of anything important."

An Ocean Away (Mullette- Laff x Herc)Where stories live. Discover now