Swimming lesson 🏐 - Chikara Ennoshita

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"On second thought...no"

"Do you realise how embarrassing this is"? Your face slowly building up like a volcano ready to expolde "not at all" his playful smile making you want to swat him one. Of all the places to go he brought you to the one place that makes anyone feel like a failure.

A under 10's swim class.

"I know I cant swim but seriously I don't need to be taught alongside a bunch of 10 year olds!" You shout quietly as to not disturb them with their "intense" paddling session.

"What do you take me for Y/N? Where we are practicing is over there" your eyes following his finger to the furthest end of the pool which is actually pretty shallow, its not like I don't know how to swim but after nearly drowning you develop a fear.

"I really don't want to do this" the fear obvious as Chi takes your hands in his and squeezes them tightly the heat giving you a sense of comfort "I promise i will be right beside you" his confident words reassuring as both of us strip down into our swim gear and get inside the water.


"See your doing good already" your brain trying to decide if he was being funny or not when he all of a sudden comes up beside you and sweeps you of your feet and laying you flat his arms wrapped around your waist "WHAT ARE YOU DOING!" You panic throwing your arms about "relax! I wont let you go, I promised you remember?" His words allwoing you to calm down.

"Now all you need to do is swing your arms around in a forward motion like left,right,left etc" your arms moving to his instructions "now start kicking your legs whilst still swinging your arms" and before you know it both of us are moving across the water as a sense of triumph fills you "im doing it!" You shout in victory when his phone all of a sudden starts ringing "wait here ill be right back" his lips meeting yours for a kiss as he swims to the edge of the pool and hops out.

"Hey coach!" His wave sending you happiness as he leaves the building leaving you all by myself, the children left about 10 Minutes ago. "Maybe just one go by myself" you question bracing yourself against the wall and pushing off.

You clearly overestimated as the second you left the wall you lost your position of confidence your head submerging underwater, your body flailing like a fish caught in a trap as you try as hard as you can to push for air please don't let me die!...please you think as your vision starts to fade a large figure appearing as you slip out of consciousness.


"COME ON!" the feeling of someone tapping your face as you try to move your lungs stuffed with water "COME....ON!" the sudden pressure on your chest causing you to convulse and fall on your side.

"Thank god" he repeats rubbing your back in reassurance as the water leaves your body "what were you thinking! Was you trying to kill yourself!" His words frantic as yoi look up at him "im...so....sorry" you whisper from the ache in your throat his arms pulling you into his wet bare chest.

"Its alright, just please dont be so stupid next time! I want to live out my teen years with no grey hairs" his joke causing us to both laugh the events of now washing away.

𝙼𝚁𝚂. 𝚂𝚠𝚎𝚎𝚝 🍦 𝙷𝚊𝚒𝚔𝚢𝚞𝚞 𝚡  𝚛𝚎𝚊𝚍𝚎𝚛 𝚟𝚘𝚕.1Where stories live. Discover now