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ECHO BENNETT STOOD JUST OUTSIDE of twelve Grimmauld Place. The sun had already set, leaving the streets dark and deserted; exactly how she liked it. Her dark brown eyes were practically superglued to the front door as memories flashed through her mind. She let her lips twitch upwards ever so slightly as the thought back to when she was fourteen, sneaking into said house by climbing up the vines growing at the side of it; back when things seemed easier.

Taking in a deep breath, the black haired woman finally took the first step closer, her heeled boots slamming on the paved stairs. She didn't bother knocking (the letter she had received from Albus Dumbledore simply instructed her to walk straight in) as she pushed the door open. Nostalgia hit her as soon as she stepped her foot inside. The dark corridor seemed just as uninviting as she remembered. 

Portraits hung up all over the walls, majority of them covered by dark curtains that were gathering cobwebs left, right and centre. The floorboards creaked loudly under her shoes as Echo slowly walked inside, her eyes quickly adjusting to the darkness of the home. She heard muffled voices coming from the door right at the end of the corridor, just behind where the staircase was located. She kept her head up as she walked straight towards it, this time slightly quicker. 

Suddenly hearing movement on the stairs, Echo looked up to find two tall ginger haired boys standing there, looking over the bannister with what looked like an ear on a string in their hands. They sheepishly grinned at her before suddenly apparating from sight. She let out an audible gasp as she figured out that the pair must've been Fred and George Weasley, the nephews of Fabian and Gideon Prewett - the most notorious pranksters Hogwarts had ever seen; Echo remembered the time they turned her hair green in which she then got her revenge by turning their hair bright pink; something that sparred on an intense prank war that lasted for much longer than anyone could've expected.

Shaking her head as if she was getting rid of the memories, Echo turned back to look at the door. She noticed the small gap in it, one that made the voices inside sound much more clearer.

"Can't we just get on with the meeting?" She felt a shiver run down her spine at the familiar voice. There was no doubt in her mind that it was Sirius Black who asked that question.

"We're still waiting for someone," Another familiar voice told him; Remus Lupin.

"Who could be so important that we're waiting this long for them?" Sirius huffed and Echo was sure that he was probably rolling his eyes and folding his arms across his chest.

Realisation suddenly came over her that it was in face her who everyone was waiting for, so, smoothing out her leather jacket, the black haired woman pushed the door open causing everyone's heads to snap in her direction. Some people she didn't recognise but they seemed to have recognised her. Remus looked as if he was the only one expecting her, a friendly smile on his face as he nodded at her. Sirius looked completely and utterly gobsmacked. His grey eyes were practically bulging out from his skull, his mouth opened wide.

Echo smirked at the reaction of the two familiar men, moving her long braided hair behind her shoulder she grinned mischievously, "Hello, boys."

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