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ECHO WAS ONE OF THE adults that decided to take the kids to King Cross Station, alongside Molly and Arthur Weasley, Tonks, Remus and a few other members of the Order (for protection). The black haired witch was walking besides Remus, the pair reminiscing of the old times when they were getting ready to go back to Hogwarts when suddenly, a scruffy looking black dog ran in between them, barking excitedly as he looked up at the female.

"Jeez, Snuffles, Mad-Eye is going to kill you and make you into a literal hot dog," Echo snickered, looking down at the dog that she could've sworn rolled his grey eyes at her. 

With a quiet bark, the dog sped up in front of the pair, when he walked past Moody, the former Auror almost whacked him with his walking cane, "Padfoot," He snarled but the dog didn't seem bothered as it wound past his legs to reach the front and walking besides Harry. 

Echo kept her eyes on the dog, making sure that no one would for some odd reason have any suspicions (since how many people actually took their dogs with them to sent the kids off to Hogwarts?). She spotted Sirius running down the stairs before he stopped just outside a door to what looked like a waiting shelter. Knowing well what sometimes happens when an animagus changes back into a human, Echo shrugged off her long coat and as she walked past, she threw it onto the dog. He nodded at her before entering the waiting area and from the shadows inside, Echo noticed him changing back and throwing the coat over his most likely naked body.

Harry walked in a few seconds later whilst Moody, Echo and Remus stood around, making sure that no one entered. Echo let her eyes wander over the station when they suddenly landed on a young dark skinned girl, she had one of the biggest grins on her face that Echo had ever seen. She was pushing a cart which indicated she was going to Hogwarts (the snowy white owl gave it away) as her parents walked slightly behind her, laughing warmly, the mother had tears in her eyes as she watched her little girl go. 

Echo couldn't help but picture back her own first day to the wizarding school. When her father was still alive, her mum was extremely laid back but she still worried and practically sobbed the entire journey to the station, crying about how her little girl was growing up far too quick for her liking and since Echo was an only child, it's not like her mum had any other little boy or girl running around and still loving to be babied. 

She remembered how ecstatic she was about finally starting Hogwarts. How she couldn't sleep the night before because she couldn't settle down, instead, she stayed up all night just wondering what school life would be like, whether she would get sorted into Slytherin like her parents or if she would be the odd one out in their little family. She wondered about the moving stairs and if she would ever get lost because of them (she did; multiple times). She wondered about which lesson would be her favourite (Transfiguration and Defence Against the Dark Arts) and which would be her most hated (Arithmancy by far!). She wondered if her and her childhood best friend Sirius Black would still stay in touch, hoping they'd get put in the same house. Echo had been so tired and practically used up all her energy to be excited and fell asleep on Sirius' shoulder almost as soon as she sat down in the compartment he was already occupying. 

A nudge to her side pulled her out of her daydream and she noticed that the little girl and her parents were no longer there. Turning her head to the side, she noticed Remus standing besides her, smiling warmly as his tired eyes looked at her, "You alright there?" He asked her.

Echo nodded, "Yeah, just thinking back to my first day at Hogwarts," She confessed, adding a small chuckle at the end of her sentence.

Remus grinned, "I remember that day so well," He admitted, "James thought you were dead when he entered the compartment, you were so still," He chuckled, a reminiscent gleam in his eyes.

"Of course he did," Echo chuckled, shaking her head slightly, "Why am I not surprised?"

"Lupin, Bennett, you done catching up?" Mad-Eye called out and that's when Remus and Echo noticed that everyone was once again walking. Sirius was back in his dog form, looking at the pair with his tail waggling, Echo's coat hanging from his mouth. 

"Let's go, before he kills us," Echo joked, straightening up, her eyes lit up when Sirius ran over to them, almost tripping up over the coat when it got caught in his paws, the black haired woman knelt down to take the coat from the dog's mouth, she stroked the top of his head, "What a good doggie."

Sirius snarled at her and pretend to bite her fingers.

"Hey! Looks like someone's sleeping outside tonight."

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