S1: Just a normal beginning...

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~~This is my first story about Julie and the phantoms. Not many people have written about it because it's just come out.

Also before you start reading I just want to say my writing gets much better as the chapters go on and once I've completed season 1 I may or may not come back to edit these first few chapters.

Anyway hope you enjoy 😁~~

Y/n P.O.V

(All I've got to say is sorry for such a cringy Wattpad beginning "I'm not like any other girl. I'm different" 🙄🤷‍♀️)

School is the worst, it has been since I started getting bullied at the start of school, obviously by the schools most popular girl, Carrie Wilson. She has no heart she's all looks and a daddy's little girl. As for me I'm a nobody. No one really notices my existence, but I'm glad, that means I can just focus on school and not worry about boys or looks. However being this 'loner' has it's downsides; no friends to have your back or to help you when your bullied, and as a nobody, I just get called loner or picked on because no one will tell the teachers if I get hurt. I'm the perfect target for Carrie... Great

I walk towards my locker trying to avoid the bullies. I have my music program next, and we have to perform something we've been working on, easier said then done. I grab my music book and my lyrics (I sing) and head towards the classroom, but not before I'm stopped by Carrie and her mates.

"Here, don't worry you don't need to come" Carrie said in her usual mocking voice, as she handed me a piece of paper; it was something about how her group was performing at the spirit rally, which was tomorrow, I furrowed my brows in confusion.

"If you don't want me to come why'd you give me this?" I asked knowing what the answer would be.

"Well you can come and see how much better I am than you at singing" she smiled as she walked away flicking her hair to give out more flyers.

"DEMON" Someone yelled in the background causing Carrie to turn around and glare at the speaker, a couple of people laughed including me.

Finally it was time for music and I sat at the back next to the window as people filed into the classroom. Nick had just finished playing the guitar which went out of tune a few times, Carrie just sat there smiling about how her boyfriend can play, now it was Julie's turn. I feel sorry for Julie as she hasn't sung or played the piano since her mum sadly passed away and this is her last chance to prove to Mrs Harrison that she belongs here; and she does. I crossed my fingers hoping today would finally be the day she sung again because she had such an amazing voice. But in the end she just couldn't do it and ended up running out the classroom with her best friend, Flynn, following closely behind. 'Poor Julie she works so hard' I thought until I was snapped out of my daydream to perform.

Great my turn.

(Madilyn Bailey - don't you worry child w/ lyrics.)

Once I finished, everyone clapped but Carrie just looked annoyed, it made my heart warm I love it when people like my singing

Ever since I was a little girl I would sing. I normally wrote the songs as well, they were about my life, or my experiences or just what was on my mind.

~~Time skip~~

It was the end of the day after I finished my chemistry class, boring as always. I made my way home listening to music on my bike because my parents were always too busy with work to pick me up or even acknowledge my existence, it's like I've moved out already, but just riding my bike and letting the wind blow through my h/l h/c hair and nipping at my face made me feel alive. I got home and saw Julie across the road getting out of her dad's car. You see me and Julie live opposite each other which is nice but it would be better if I was her friend then I could actually talk to her.

Walking through my front door, I take off my shoes, plopping my bag on the floor before heading to the kitchen, passing my parents study on the way, they both were hard at work. My little sister working on a drawing in the kitchen. Then grabbing a biscuit from the jar and a drink of water until I finally head up the stairs towards my mess of a room. I sit on my balcony, as always, and settle down book in hand, looking out at the canvas like sky with pinks, blues and purples splattered across it.

~~Time Skip~~

I lay on my bed pondering weather or not to have tea finally deciding not to, but as I settled down ready to sleep I heard a scream coming from Julie's garage, curiosity got the better of me so I quickly jumped up from my bed and ran to the window only to see Julie running into her house, looking at the garage I wonder what was in there that made her scream. I leant out of my window slightly to get a better look, but, sadly, failing to see anything. Deciding everything was all alright and that it was just a spider or a bug, I just went back towards my room and snuggled up in my mountain of pillows and blankets looking out at the sky and softly falling asleep...

{Hey guys I hope you enjoyed my first episode, don't worry Reggie will be coming 😉. I don't know when I next post but I never really get any reads anyway.} It's 10:27 here so goodnight! 😂

(Edit: hello 👋 it's been a couple of years since I started this. Truthfully this story is kinda bad and doesn't have much to it. But if you still decide to read it then I do hope you mostly enjoy it and please do suggest improvements whether that's in the comments or a direct message, it would be greatly appreciated!

Anyway I just want to thank all the previous readers for reading through the crappy writing and seeming to enjoy the story and I may just come back and start writing the second part of this book...)

Bittersweet Love Story~~Reggie X Reader -- JATPWhere stories live. Discover now