Chapter 9

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-Jenna's POV-

I slowly touched his hands with mine and uncovered my eyes, before I turned around. His face was less than 20 centimetres away from mine and when I looked into his  eyes I could see the lightening there. I could not stop myself from smiling. "Well, how am I supposed to recognize you with that costume?", I answered Louis mumbling and took a closer look at him. He was looking pretty different. He had black trousers, a grey hoodie and his hair were covered with a black wig. If you just took a brief look at him, you would not recognize him as Louis Tomlinson. He laughed quietly and still stared into my eyes."You must admit that the costume is amazing!" He was still mumbling. "Yeah, it is. Until I tell everybody, that you are on the airport right now." I was still mumbling as well and smirked. "You won't do that! Or..Or I.." Now he was not mumbling anymore.

"Or you what?" I still smiled and tried not to laugh.

"Or you'll regret it.." He gave me an stunning smile, before he turned around to Julie and greeted her. I just laughed quietly and was suddenly hugged from the back by someone. "Hellooo Jenna! Nice to see you again!" I immediately recognized that accent with which I was speaking as well. "Hello, Nialler! Great to see you as well!", I answered smiling while I turned around and gave him a proper hug. He was such a nice and always happy person. I greeted the others as well, before Liam said that it would be better if we left now. There were already a few girls, who were looking at us. So we left, and the girls didn't pay us any attention anymore. What a luck!

-20 minutes later-

I got off the car and examined the surroundings in amazement. We finally arrived at the amusement park and it was looking so awesome! I had never seen such big park before. From the outside, I could already see all those high roller coasters, it was just incredible. As the others got off the car as well, I turned around and took Niall's arm. "C'mon, hurry up! I really wanna get in there right now!" Niall just laughed and dragged us all to the entrance. As Louis wrote me in the message, the park was officially still closed. It would open tomorrow. So we were the very first people, who got the chance to try it out. Liam was already talking with a security man, when I came to the entrance. Before I could wonder, how the man got there, Liam gave us a wave. "It's alright. We can go inside. C'mon!" We all went inside and I was so excited. Niall dragged us to a plan of the park and I gave a surprised shout. "Wow, that park is huge! There are about 70 roller coasters!" Louis nodded smiling and looked around. "It is really awesome! Well, why are we still waiting here? Let's go!" 
And before we could even say something more, he all pushed us to the first roller coaster. It looked a bit scary and I hesitated for a moment. "Are you sure..? Look how many loops it has!" Louis started laughing and came next to me. "owh, are you scared? Don't worry I'll hold you!" I smiled at him and blushed a bit. He was even nicer than I ever imagined.

We could not speak anymore, because the others sat already in a wagon and were waiting for us to get in as well. Louis pushed me into the second wagon and fastened the seat belt. I looked to Louis again but he did not noticed, because he was talking with Niall. Suddenly there was a little jolt and the roller coaster started to move. Oh my god, let me survive this! The roller coaster first slowly moved up a hill, it was very high. Definitely too high! I started shaking and looked to Louis for another time. He recognized it now and smiled to calm me down. "You're so pale, are you okay?" Before I could answer him, the roller coaster reached the end of the hill. It hesitated for a little second, before rushed down. I could not help but start screaming as loud as possible. I literally could see my entire life flashing up in my head. Oh please, I don't wanna die right now. Stop it! Louis was shouting next to me as well, the roller coaster was just so fast. Suddenly it went slower again and I could take a deep breathe. But it wasn't over yet. There came two loops right after and we got shaken up even more.

The rest of the roller coaster trip was as horrible as the beginning. After five minutes, it finally stopped. I felt like I was going to faint and took a few deep breathes. Louis felt the same next to me. He ran his fingers through his hair, which was a complete mess and sighed. "O-Okaay..this roller coaster was probably a bit too hard for the beginning.." I just nodded and closed my eyes for a few moments. My head was hurting that much. "Jenna are you okay?" I opened my eyes again and saw Zayn standing in front of our wagon. His hair was a great mess as well, but it looked so good. I smiled a bit and slowly nodded. "Yeah, I'm fine. I'm coming." I carefully stood up and took Louis' hand which he gave me for help. He pulled me out of the wagon and dragged me into a warm hug. "Sorry, for that horrible drive, I hope you're okay..", he mumbled into my ear and I could not help but smile again. "I'm fine.." I smiled even more and looked into his eyes. His hair were still standing in every direction, it looked so cute!

"I think it's better if we go and get something to eat right now, or does anybody wanna take such nice ride again?" Niall looked at all of us and laughed when everybody shook their heads. "Okay, there's a shop, let's go there!"  We all went to this shop and looked at the menu card. There were plenty of salads and burgers which were all looking very good. Julie and me both ordered a salad and the guys all took a burger. We wanted to pay it by ourselves, but Liam did not want to let us pay it. "You're our guests.", he said with a nice smile. So we all sat down on a bank and started talking about random stuff. It was so funny and we all enjoyed the free time without any fans here. Well, without any except us.

Right before we wanted to go to a photo booth, Louis' phone rang. "Oh, that's probably Simon." He took his phone out and looked at it. I guess it wasn't Simon at all, because he suddenly made a very serious face and looked quite uncomfortable. "Be right back, wait here." He sounded a bit stressed and quickly left. I watched him going away and turned around to the boys. They all looked a bit worried right now. "What's up guys?", I heard Julie asking. Harry just shook his head and answered us. "Nothing..I guess it's Simon and Louis doesn't want him  to tell him where we are.." I do not know why, but I could not believe him at that moment. He was looking to worried, I guess he would not have looked that worried, if it was just Simon. What''s your secret guys? But before I could ask something more, Louis returned looking quite angry. He tried to smile nice, but it did not work. "Let's go to that photo booth now!" He walked by without waiting for us and we quickly followed him. It was a bit strange, to be honest. First, they were acting so nice and loudly but from one second to the other they all got quiet. 


It was already 7 p.m. and we decided half an hour ago to leave and went to our hotel room. We really had our own flat, it was huge. And we had the flat on our own, the guys had a flat next to us. There was a TV room, a play room, a big bathroom and sleeping room, a enormous kitchen and a living room. All in all perfect!

Julie and I were watching TV as we heard somebody knocking at the door. I got up to open the door and found Niall standing on the other side. "Hi Jenna! I just wanted to ask if you two would like to go out for dinner with us? We know a nice and calm restaurant close to the hotel." I smiled and nodded immediately. "Yeah, sure! We'll be ready in about 20 minutes!" Niall nodded as well and went back to their own flat. I closed the door and jumped back to Julie in excitement. "Get up, we're gonna go eating with the boys in 20 minutes!!"


Hiiii guys!

First of all I really want to say a BIG sorry for not updating in 16 days.. To be honest I completely forgot it and I had so much to do in school ;( I really try to update more often again! Thanks for all, I love you xx

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