I want to speak truth to your rock hard head.
Open up your eyes to help you understand.
Breathe purpose into your corpse to prove that you're not dead.
I want to burn these matches to alert your brain, that there is feeling in your bones, you're not a grave.
You are a person not a body.
You've made a mistake, I am not lying to you, I am calling you out. I have seriously caught you.
You have no idea what I am talking about, but you do it all the time.
You hate your guts, you're not the first.
You don't understand why you have it the worst.
You don't speak a word, but you know it is true.
You hate your body cause it controls you, you hate your body because it contains you.
I want to speak truth to your rock hard head.
Open up your eyes to help you understand.
Breathe purpose into your corpse to prove that you're not dead.
I want to burn these matches to alert your brain that there is feeling in your bones, you're not a grave.
You're slowly wasting away.
You're a person not a body.
You have a body, you are a soul
Lyrical expressions.
PuisiPhrases, sentences, & paragraphs with a chorus - sung to a beat of intensity with a few slightly awkward dance moves leading into a fade.