Chapter 1

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(3rd person P.O.V)

It was late on a Sunday night, as Jake lay in his bed surrounded by darkness thinking about his friends from the music club, not just the club members,but their relationships ,whether it be romantic or not. He knew Luke liked Zander, Milly liked Elliot, Hailey was friends with everyone In the club, but he didn't know much about her other than Zander was her step-brother, she liked singing, and playing music, then Daisy popped in his mind, he blushed intensely at the thought of her, as he remembered in the hallway at school one day she called him likeable, and said she liked him, did she mean she liked him as a friend of more? Jake wondered, there was only one way of finding out, confessing to her tomorrow at school, he wasn't sure if he could do it,but he wanted to know, for his crushes sake.

"This is it!" Jake thought to himself as he walked into school. "I'm going to ask Daisy out!" He told himself.

He saw Daisy in the hallway. He approached Daisy . She turned around, and was surprised to see Jake just standing there. 

"Good Morning Jake." Daisy said cheerfully, with her usual cutesy smile.

Jake blushed at her cutesy smile "Oh uh m-morning Daisy." He said stuttering.

"Do you need something?" she asked in her adorably sweet tone.

"Actually yeah, I-I¨ He stuttered as he fiddled with his fingers nervously.

 I've sort of always had a crush on you,Daisy, and I was wondering if you wanted to go out on a date?" he asked her nervously, praying in his mind that she would say that she liked him back and yes to the date.

"Oh um, sorry Jake I don't feel the same way, I like someone else, but I hope this doesn't mean we can't still be friends." Daisy said apologetically.

Jake's mood was darkened he slouched a little bit ,feeling his confidence slip away" I hope I don't know this someone else she likes," Jake thought. "Of course we can still be friends, I have to go now." he said bolting down the hallway avoiding saying anything more to the girl that just rejected him. Throughout the morning Jake was sad, and didn't talk much, even during lunch, Jake was too sad to eat, His shoulders slumped over and he picked at his food half heartedly. Something in his eyes had gone out, like a streetlight turned off.

"Jake? You've been acting weird all morning, what's going on?" Henry asked as he sat down at their lunch table seeming genuinely concerned for his friend as he noticed Jake wasn't sitting up straight, and confident as usual.

¨ He probably had a falling out with those freaks he calls friends!¨ Zoey chimed in, with a grin across her face.

"You barely ever hang out with us anymore, because you're always busy hanging out with them acting as if their your friends, I thought you only joined that freak club so you could impress Daisy!" Drew spat as he slammed his hand down on their table, making Henry's unopened milk carton tip over.

At the mention of her name Jake couldn't take it anymore. " I asked Daisy out this morning." Jake said, even though he knew what question was coming, he couldn't keep it in. He sat still,clenching his eyes closed praying for mercy, and preparing himself for the one specific question he was dreading answering.

"and what did she say?" Liam asked raising an eyebrow at Jake.

"She rejected me." Jake said as his mood darkened again, knowing what was coming he slouched down even lower, so much you could barely see his sad expression.

Drew, Henry, and Liam all started laughing hysterically. Henry spit out some milk onto the floor, almost tipped over in his chair, Drew leaned back, and slapped his knee, Liam, who was still eating, snorted his way through his lunch, Zoey cackled like the witch she is, and Lia sat in her seat lifelessly laughing, as she scrolled through Instagram, pretending she was listening to their conversation.

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