Chapter 2

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(3rd  person P.O.V)

 It was already after school, and Jake was about to go meet up with Hailey in the music room, so they could talk, when Daisy came up behind him.

"Hi Jake, what are you doing here after school?¨ She asked.

 "I'm just here to talk to Hailey about something," Jake told her, not really wanting to say anything else.

"Oh ok then, I'll leave you be." Daisy said walking away. Jake walked a little ways down the hallway, turned to the music room, and saw Hailey already there reading a book, sitting on a desk.

"Oh, Hi Jake." Hailey said looking up from her book.

" Hi, so what did you want to talk about?" Jake asked. Hailey put her book down on the desk, and hopped off.

"During rehearsals at lunchtime today, we kept asking you if you were ok, and you kept saying you were fine, but I could tell that you were lying, so tell me, what's going on?" She asked.

" It seems like everyone in the club has someone, Luke, and Zander have each other, Milly has Elliot, Sean probably has Daisy after seeing what happened when Daisy left the music room today, I have no one, and you- you have-." His voice trailed off finally remembering that he, and Hailey were on the same boat. He looked down at the floor avoiding eye contact.

"I don't have any one either." She added." That's right Hailey doesn't have any one too, how could I have forgotten?" Jake thought to himself.

"Doesn't It seem unfair to you, that everyone else has a crush or lover?" Jake asked Hailey.

"Yeah, but that's just how it is sometimes, Love is complicated." She told him, and gave him a reassuring pat on the back. Jake  needed something to take his mind off of being rejected, then he thought about singing.

"Hailey? Would you like to sing with me for a little bit?" He asked her. 

"Um sure?" Hailey said. "What for?" She asked Jake.

"Just for fun, and to take my mind off of being rejected." He told her. 

"Sure why not?" She answered. "Do you have any particular song in mind?" She said ,rocking on her heels, standing by a microphone stand.

"No, not really, do you?" Jake asked, walking from the door to the microphone next to Hailey.

"Well, I do have a duet song written in my journal, if you're interested." Hailey said, looking at Jake's chocolate brown eyes.

"Sure, I'd love to see what you have written." Jake replied, watching as Hailey walked over, unzipped her backpack, and pulled out two sheets of music. She handed him one sheet of music. " Is there any music to go with this?" He asked still examining the sheet of music.

"Actually yeah ,I totally forgot, I wrote this to go along a track I found on NoiseTrap, I'll load it up on my laptop." Hailey replied

"Ok." He said, winking as he watched her open up her laptop. She had finished loading the track up, and was standing by the microphone.

"You ready?" She asked. He nodded, straightened up, positioned his hands on the microphone, and the music came on.

Jake:(singing)"Lonely, it seems I'm the only one without a lover, surrounded by people loving on each other. Why ,must I be left alone to sit at home questioning why I'm without a lover, but I cover up my feelings of despair, 'cuz no one ever cares or understands, watching couples hold hands, why was I put in this situation? What's with the hesitation? I guess love comes with some complications, Why is love so complicated? Someone help me get educated on the craft that is love, please send me an angel from above."

Both: (Singing)" Love is complicated, I wish I had communicated my feelings 'cuz then I wouldn't be dealing with complication, hesitation, and feelings of despair, who would ever care? 

Hailey:(singing) Close your eyes and try to dream about sheep."

"That song was amazing Hailey!! I had no idea you could sing so well!! What inspired you to write this song?" Jake exclaimed.

"O-oh nothing really, I thought people would relate to heartbreak more than overrated love songs" Hailey said, she was trying to cover up the truth behind the reason she made the song, she had a crush on Jake, but he liked Daisy, she was so heartbroken that she stayed up late one night writing the song, putting her true feelings into the lyrics.

"We have to perform that when the rest of the band is here." Jake exclaimed, he was in awe of  Hailey's beautiful singing, and brilliant relatable lyrics.

"O-oh I'm not so sure about that, but maybe if we have time next rehearsal ." Hailey was unsure of whether or not they should perform it together, Zander might beat Jake's ass into a pulp, but on the other hand she was happy that Jake loved her song. (Ring, ring) The had rung signaling that afterschool activities were to be concluded now. "Well I guess I should be heading home now-" Hailey said as she grabbed her stuff, shoved it in her backpack, and started for the door, but Jake caught her hand.

"Wait, I can walk you home if you like." Jake said nervously, as he let go of her hand.

"Um, sure why not, Zander might beat you up though." Hailey laughed.

"Eh, I can handle it." Jake replied confidently, he grabbed his backpack, and the two began walking out.

A/N: I finally finished this. Thank god.


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