phase 2

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Kakyoin's POV
He sits on the the dining room table thinking while the TV blasts as Polnareff watches some dumb anime Kakyoin could care less about Polnareff turns the TV volume higher and higher which drives Kakyoin insane "JESUS CHRIST CAN YOU TURN THAT SHIT OFF! IM TRYING TO THINK!" Polnareff looks back from the couch to Kakyoin "what's got you so tense?" He asks as he rolls his eyes "Is it JoJo's girlfriend?" The word girlfriend dives Kakyoin off the bridge of insanity "SHES NOT HIS-" Kakyoin clears his throat "my my, I suppose I'm just so stressed out wouldn't you say my dear Pol?" Kakyoin says with a smile "uh yeah, you should think of maybe going to the spa or something, someone had given me a flyer we should go check it out" Kakyoin's smile gets brighter "that's nice of you Polnareff dear, but I might have to reschedule. I've got plans today." Polnareff scratches his head in confusion of how sinister Kakyoin had looked at that moment "uh okay, just one more thing, mind not calling me dear? It's kinda weird" Kakyoin smiles "you know I won't" Polnareff smiles as he walks away "yep, had a feeling"

Kakyoin gets up from his chair and thinks to himself if I leave right now, i should make it to the house in under 30 minutes. "Oh Polnareff! I'll be leaving now" he hears Polnareff's distant goodbye as he walked out the door it's a pity Polnareff doesn't know what's really going on, but I mean it's for his sake I don't but I really don't care whether he know or not perhaps I should let him know when I get back. But back to reality, I'm here! He thinks to himself as he stands at the doorstep. How rude of me! I simply can't go barging in I have to check if they're free, how to do so? Giving them a call? Perfect idea! Good thing I know Jotaro's home number! Kakyoin brings out his phone and rings the number as he looks at them from a window. Jotaro walks over to the phone as Kakyoin squirms in excitement Jotaro picks it up and hands it to y/n as he mouths the "I don't know who it is, maybe it's your parents?" "Fuck" Kakyoin whispers under his breath he watches as y/n takes the phone from Jotaro then puts it to her ear as Kakyoin hears her soft voice "Hello? This is y/n l/n speaking, how can I help you?" (A/N L/N is last name thx) Kakyoin smiles as he sees this as a great opportunity to mess with y/n "Hello? Ah y/n! I missed you dearly after the two days since we met that night, tell me how's the window? Has my baby gotten it fixed yet? I bet he has! Hes never the one to leave something like that untouched for too long, but how were you! Oh how I've missed you dearly your annoying stupid little face makes me feel so beautiful everytime I see it, I suppose I'm hogging up the line why don't you have a go tell me what you've been doing all this time in the span of two days?" The other end is silent for a while "I'm so done with this bullshit I'm calling the cops" y/n says as she hangs up my my what a feisty lass Kakyoin thinks as he kicks open the door with the help of Hirophant Green breaking it off its hinges
"Fuck sake y/n, why'd you have to ruin the fun? Honestly JoJo for heaven's sake! How can you live with this- this- this freeloader!" "That's enough." Jotaro says as he walks closer to Kakyoin "ohh do what you must to teach me a lesson daddy" Kakyoin grins, Jotaro just looks at him "Noriaki you make me sick to my stomach, I never want to see you again" Jotaro swings and misses as Kakyoin dodges the hit "okay, if you really feel that way, I guess I'll leave. What's the point in following you if you don't like me. I'll just pack up the cameras and leave" as he walks passed the two with shocked faces he grabs y/n hand and pulls her away with the help of Kakyoin's stand and holds at the door as he opens it, he looks at Jotaro one last time "is what I would've said, if I wasnt a raving lunatic!" He says as he chuckles a bit "wouldn't you say y/n?" He says holding on to you by the neck, you open your mouth to say something but he covers it with his hand "actually don't say anything, I frankly don't give two shits about your opinion" he says ever so casually. Jotaro runs toward you but Kakyoin pulls out a gun, Jotaro stops "you wouldn't. I would kill you, you know that." Kakyoin was well aware of it "Don't worry, it's only for fun but, if you do want...this back" he says putting emphases on the word 'this' while rolling his eyes, "I'll give you a call at know what? I don't care just stay near the phone okay, I'll only call once. So if you miss it, you miss her and I kill her on the spot." Jotaro gets down on his knees "please I'll do anything just let her go" Kakyoin looks at Jotaro with distaste "Ew, what are you doing? Get up I hate seeing you like that, GET UP! or I'll kill her right here, you don't deserve to be on your knees like that your someone like this okay? Know your worth."

As Kakyoin says that they hear a horn honk they look outside to see a man with strange hair and sunglasses on in a car.

"Oh! Our rides here y/n! Bye now Jotaro, and remember what I said okay? Just one call.

Sorry I've been so inactive new school, new meee jk hope you liked this another cliffhanger ohhhhh super originality points there lol but yeah hoped you enjoyed reading

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