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Now this one will be different.Im trying to treat this as a trailer so if i skip a line that means theirs another shot.

We see Bruce Wayne staring at a Tv Screen."The headline of the day...Mayor Oswald Cobblepot is dead"
Bruce walks over to his suits and looks at them.We see his reflection.Then Tim Drake shows up behind him.

Edward Nigma is sitting at the Funeral for Oz when we see him smile.

Robin is on a rooftop when he starts chasing after someone he tackles them and takes off their mask to reveal a girl.

Selina Kyle is at her apartment watching the News"Some believe that The Batman has killed The Mayor due to the history between the two"

Jim Gordan stands by the Bat Signal

We see Harley Quinn pissed off staring down someone whose walking towards her.We only see their shoes.

A shootout is happening between Two Face and Black Mask.

Red Hood is shooting some thugs.

Oracle is typing.

Nightwing and Catwoman beat up Harleys men.

Batman is hitting the Riddler.

Then we see a building explode....

Gotham Forever

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