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I am sitting in a school playground weeping by myself. Everyone else is playing around but no one noticed me .
Suddenly boy of  nearly my age came towards me .
He sat near me and asked me why I was crying .
I curled myself to my knees and didn't look towards him .
He again asked . I look up at him, his dark brown eyes are mesmerising.
I replied through my sobs " I didn't get good marks in maths, teacher scolded me and now my father will also scold me".
Then I started crying again .
He sympathised me not to cry but his words were not working.
He just sat quietly beside me while I was crying . It was is like he was supporting me in his way. After sometime he told me so stand up but I didn't looked at him, then he hold me by my shoulder and told me to wash my face.
His touch was so relieving. His presence was so calming. I felt a kind of relaxation by sharing my sorrow with him even though he didn't said much, he just kept sitting by my side while I was crying but I felt a connection to him .

After washing my face he asked , "What is your name ?"
I replied while cleaning my face,"Rosaline Young".
He said , "Beautiful name . By the way I am Finley Scott. I am one year senior than you . If you want then I can help you with maths. "
I watched him shocked and surprised and then said ,"Why do you want me to help?"
He replied, " I don't like when roses cry, roses are meant to bloom . Isn't it Rossie?."

I blushed. No one had mentioned me as a rose ever . And no one had ever praised me like this . I was so flattered.

I exclaimed, " You can call me Linnie, everyone calls me Linnie".
He said , " But I would like to call you Rossie , it suits you ."
I asked, " What does everyone calls you?"
He replied, "Finley. "
I said , " Then I will call you Finn".
He smiled . I smiled watching him . He has the most innocent and genuine smile.


My eyes started to flicker and I found myself in my room .

Oh ! It was a dream . But I saw Finley and me in a school . Have we met in the school ? Were we friends since school time ?

I came out of my room in search of Finley but he was not in his room.

Where is he ? I don't even know about this house . Where would I find him?

I was wandering down the hall when I saw him sitting in garden .
My face lightened seeing him. I headed towards the garden.
He was busy doing something in his laptop. He didn't noticed my presence. I sat beside him in a chair.

When he saw me and panickely asked me in his deep voice, "Why did you came out ? Do you need anything? "

I replied, "No ,I wanted to sit in the open sky. "

He gave me a weak smile and then got back to his laptop.
I was watching his each and every movement . The way he was trying not to look towards me , left me in doubt.
I felt like he wa ignoring me on purpose. But why?

To break that dead like silence I asked him ," How did we marry? Did we knew eachother before our marriage?"

He finally looked at me , a kind of annoyance was evident ,"No Rosaline, we didn't knew eachother. Our marriage was arranged by our parents."
He tore away his eyes from me and got back to his work.

I again asked him , " But I saw you in my dream , in school playground. I was crying and you came to me. "

He lifted his head up stared at me shocked .
I noticed his eyes , those were the same dark brown eyes that I saw in my dreams.
"These are the same dark brown eyes" , I said.

He was silent .

I asked him," Tell me , was that true?"
I stared him attentively waiting to get my answers .

He said, "Rosaline, you know , that doctor had adviced not to force you to remember anything, It can be dangerous to you ."

I said frustratingly, " No, I want to know . Please Finn tell me ".

He exclaimed with surprise, " Finn!!!!!! You used to call me that before."
I sensed a kind of happiness in his voice . It felt like suddenly he got alive from the dull composure of his.

I said , "I saw about it my dream . You called me Rossie."

His eyes glimmered by hearing this .
As if listening this gave him the ultimate happiness. He looked at me with a sweet smile. Which was genuine,  very genuine.

Then he said as if remembering something," You were sitting in a corner of the school playground when we first met. Ww were kids then.You were curled to your knees .When I approached you , you were crying. I asked you but you didn't replied . When I again asked you told me that you have got less marks in maths . Then I offered to help you with maths . After that I taught you maths for a month ,your grades also improved. You were so happy at that time so was I . "
He said smiling like this reminiscence filled life inside him. His eyes were a little watery. But his smile was more than that. Ans he was smiling like that small Finn whom I saw in my dream.

"This was exactly same what I saw in my dream." I said.

He suddenly got back to that stern composure. That sweet finn was suddenly jerked off.
He said , "Rosaline , it is pretty late now. We should go inside. Tomorrow we will go to the doctor. Okay?"

I nodded.

Then we came inside .

He said , " Go to your room and rest ".

I denied and said ," I am not sleepy now. "

He asked, "What do you want to do then?"

I asked him hesitantly," C-can we watch a movie together? If you don't mind ".

He remained quite .
I said hesitantly, "What happened? If you don't want then it is okay . I would go to my room".

I started walking.
He said , " No , wait . We can watch a movie. It is just, that we have never watched a movie together before. "

What!!! We haven't watched a single movie together. We have been married for a year . It is so strange.

He sat on the couch and I sat next to him.


Finally they had a conversation.
And she started regaining her memories..


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