The Worst Kind of Betrayal

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Basil walked into the foyer setting his book bag down, his hoodie on a hook, and his keys on the side table. "Mom?! Dad?!" He continued into the living room to find both his parents waiting for him. They gave him tight smiles that concerned him. This felt like some sort of intervention or something. It was kind of freaking him out, he started replaying everything he had done lately looking for why he might be in trouble but came up with nothing besides stealing his mother's ice cream.

"Hey, how was school? Your father and I have something very significant to talk to you about sweetheart." His mom started, "You should probably sit down." She gestured at the couch and Basil sighed.

"Alright but let me go change, my clothes are still sweaty from the gym." Basil turned and set off to his room. He could hear his mother and father call after him trying to stop him. As he opened his room door he almost ran right into the guy who attacked him earlier that day. He was standing by the dresser snooping. He tried to subtly close Basil's underwear drawer and smiled.

"Basil! It's-"The guy tried to say but immediately Basil started screaming for his mother and father running out of the room. Just as he got down the stairs, he ran right into his uncle Petril coming in from outside. Petril grabbed him by the shoulders looking concerned.

"What's wrong?" Petril asked calmly and Basil gestured up the stairs where the mysterious young man was descending the stairs calmly looking thoroughly amused at his panic. His uncle took one look at the young man and swore, guilding Basil forcefully into the living room where his parents were now standing looking guilty and worried. Basil was completely beyond himself.

"What is wrong with you guys?! This wacko attacked me at school and you act like he's family or something!" Basil freaks out as the young man joins them in the living room. His mother sighs and hugs Basil trying to calm him down, his father pinches the bridge of his nose looking thoroughly frustrated, Petril looks somewhere between concerned and dead serious, and the young stranger starts laughing at Basil's reaction. His father gives him a harsh parental glare and the young man quickly silences his laughter.

"You have called me many things Basil but Wacko is certainly a new one. Don't you remember me at all?!" The young man asked seriously. Basil just stared into his sea-green eyes incredulous before shaking his head annoyed.

"No I don't. I don't know you." Basil's remark seemed to wound the young man briefly before his expression got sharp and biting in retaliation.

"Yeah I'm sure that thick headed guy you were hanging off of this morning is so much better." He scoffed bitterly. Basil looked outraged and confused.

"Don't insult Gram. At least he didn't attack me this morning!" Basil spit out harshly and the young man's eyes go dark teal.

"No. Don't compare me to that god damned shackled. Besides you are the one who burned my favorite leather jacket. We unbound are-"The young man starts snootily until Basil's father clears his throat.

"That's enough Kelkian... Basil doesn't know yet..." His father interjects and Kelkian looks stunned into silence for a moment before looking outraged.

"His god damn birth rights are coming up and you haven't even TOLD HIM!?! What about the arrangement? Does... oh by elements... he doesn't know does he." Kelkian appears somewhere between complete disbelief and unbridled fury. "What in the name of all that is blessed have you been doing these past eighteen years!" Basil stood by completely confounded. What in the world was this nutcase on about.

"KELKIAN!" Basil's mother screeched, "I understand your concerns but do NOT question my parenting. It is Vipera tradition to raise our young blind to our ways until the day of his rites. However, because of your eagerness to see him again, you got to him before he was prepared. So no. He does not know our ways yet. We were hoping you could aid us in teaching him considering the arrangements. As for the arrangement he doesn't know that either. We were hoping to break this news calmly before he met you properly." Basil's mother spoke calmly but firmly. She motioned for everyone to sit down but the only spot left for Basil was beside Kelkian so he simply stood gawking at all of them looking so lost it made everyone grimace.

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