Chapter Ten

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There's an authors note at the end, you don't have to read it as it's not too important but it would be great if you did!

There is a torture scene in this chapter but I've put a trigger warning when it's happening and I'll put when it's over so then you know for if you want to skip it.

*Elijah's pov*

The man called Castiel took Crystal to her house and was looking after her as we speak. Jeremy and Enzo were staying with her while myself and Damon stayed at the boarding house, we wanted to go with her but we needed to work out what happened.

Starting with the doppelgänger.

'Speak' Damon growls at her and I follow with a low growl myself.

'She was threatening me and her brother tried to snap my neck, it was self defence.' The doppelgänger has the audacity to shrug her shoulders.

'That's a lie and you know it' Castiel says walking in suddenly.

'And who exactly are you? Another one of her boy toys?' Elena sneers at him, disgust written all over her face.

'So does that make me a boy toy then Elena?' Damon speaks up in a snarky tone.

Her face instantly softens when she looks at Damon and I grimace at how obsessed she is with the Salvatore brothers.

'Of course not Damon, you know I love you' she softly says to him, as she goes over to hug him but he quickly vamps over to me before she can.

'You've gotta sort that out mate' Enzo tells him with disgust written all over his face.

Damon only hums in agreement his focus suddenly being focused on Castiel.

'How is she?' Damon quietly asks him, I can just tell he's worried out of his mind. We all are, Niklaus is the least of our worries right now.

'Her powers are are slightly drained but apart from that she's physically fine. Emotionally though, that's another story. She protected her brother with everything she had and she ended being killed for it, now her brother shows up here and it makes her feel that everything she sacrificed for his protection went to waste. Then the doppelgänger kills him and she loses him all over again.' At the end of this Castiels voice has risen and the ground is shaking slightly.

'Well the bitches brother shouldn't of tried to kill me' Elena growls at him and I know she's made an instant mistake.

Castiels face grows dark and he slowly walks up to her. He pins her against the wall and when he is about to say something, a voice calls out.


I see my mate in the doorway with surprisingly, Alaric behind her.

There's something off about him at the moment...I wonder?

Niklaus? Surely not, he would've killed her by now I would've thought.

Her head whips round to look at me and as if reading my mind, she gives me a slight nod.

So Niklaus is in Alaric's body? It was always one of his favourite tricks.

I start to walk to towards him but my little mate gives a shake of her head so I stay where I am but I can't help but be confused.

'Little One, you should be resting' Castiel's face instantly softens as he looks at her and I wonder what their relationship is.

'I'm fine Cass, you worry too much' She smiles at him and I feel a wave of jealousy come over me.

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