Chapter 3

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The same old place with new faces.

A/n: I'm sorry if this chapter seems a little rushed but I didn't want to take too long with getting into the story, but don't worry everything in this chapter with still contribute to the story in the long run...😅 also I'm going to say it again, if I have any non-binary people or men reading this let me know in the comments and I'll make y/n gender neutral.🥰💕

"Ms l/n I'd like to inform you, we have received a request for you to do a few week medical taster course with a representative from Oxford University" the career counsellor spoke with a smile, "wait, Oxford University? As in

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"Ms l/n I'd like to inform you, we have received a request for you to do a few week medical taster course with a representative from Oxford University" the career counsellor spoke with a smile, "wait, Oxford University? As in... England?" You say slowly, us you processed the information, "how would a representative of Oxford university even know about me?" You asked, raising a suspicious brow. "Well I may or may not have sent your grades and some other information on you to a bunch of universities with top class medical department and oxford was the one to reply" she smiled whiled, "are you mad?" She asked after my lack of a response, "what no... this... this is amazing, I'll definitely do it" still struggling to process everything, you took a deep breath, trying to shake the nerve and anxiety. "Okay that's great, the course starts on Monday which gives you two days to prepare" she says and then goes on to explain, that you'd be meeting the Oxford rep at the school on Monday and then they'd take you to the hospital you'd be doing you taster course at. Your counsellor also told you the course would go for two and a half weeks, you wouldn't being required on school property, that you'd have all you school work sent to you, and have time to finish it during the day as they'd be giving you study time, and finally to wear something nice, because in her words 'it's important to make a good finish impression, and do you think anyone would want to word with someone that looks like a slob'.

After school you ran to the volleyball gym, once getting there you spoke to both Takeda sensei and Daichi about you course and how you'll be unable to attend any practices for the next two or so weeks. You left for home after telling them, once arriving home you noticed your father was home already and he had started cook, 'today must be one of his good days' you think as you walk into the kitchen, "hey dad, you feeling alright?" you asked still trying to figure out why you dad wasn't drunker then a skunk right now, "yeah I'm good. I got a call from the school, they told me about your medical taster course with an Oxford representative" he told you turn around to face you, "I'm proud of you sweetie, now go wash up I made your favourite" he smiled and turned back to the stovetop. You began to walk out the kitchen only to be stopped by the sounds of your father voice, "y/n, just so you know... even though it goes without saying... your mother would be extremely proud of you" he said sadness sitting in the back of his throat that made his words tremble, you could see saying that really hurt him, but in all honesty in hurt you as well. His words left a sting to your eyes, a slightly quiver to the bottom lip and the same sadness occupying the back of your throat as well. "Thank you" was all you could say, but he know every meaning you placed behind those two words, from the 'I needed to hear the' to the 'I'm grateful you're here with me' and finally 'I'm glad you understand how I feel'.

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