Chapter 7

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I tore my gaze off the calendar. I had no control over my curiosity and apparently, my legs. They had taken me in front of the slide door, where Rangiku and Momo were speaking even til now. Their voices were a bit hushed, unlike before.

"I wonder the same," I heard Momo say. She sounded sad? Was it effecting her that badly? The lack of understanding between us? What am I to do with this information? I wondered if I would have noticed if I did not do something as indecent as eavesdropping.

Their was a long pause. Was it a cue to walk away?

However, before I could, I heard a gasp from Matsumoto. "Wait, these signs," she said, which made me step a bit closure. For what reason? I do not know. Perhaps, I was curious if she had the answer I was looking for too. The day has been full of question I wished to be answered. It would be great if one question could be answered.

"What is it?" Momo asked, her voice suggesting she was just as curious as me.

"I am sure. He is meeting someone, isn't he? He misses someone!" She exclaimed. I was, yet again, caught off guard. Someone I miss? She was right about me, wanting to meet someone, which was surprising. Thinking again, Rangiku was the person who knew me the best. However, how did she assume I missed someone. Is that what I feel? Do I... miss Karin? It pains me to admit, but Rangiku was not being illogical for once.

It was not too far-fetched.

So, I suppose, I missed Karin. It is not just a duty I want to fulfill.

The fight was over. The problem was my injuries; I was bleeding. It had not been too much and injuries was not my priority. There were others to worry about. There were procedures to be followed.

"Captain!" Rangiku exclaimed. She ran towards me with a look of concern. I stood up from my kneeling position. "Are you okay?" Inoue asked, "Let me heal your injuries."

"It is fine - merely a few cuts," I kindly declined her offer. I had to alert the others, so I had no time to fuss over a small wound and a few scratches. Nor did I want to waste any time, waiting idly for my wound to heal. "Was there any other attacks? Or casualties?" I inquired, but was ignored.

"Captain, you're bleeding! How can you say it is 'merely a cut'?!" She exclaimed, looking at me as if I was crazy. "Matsumoto, I will take care of my wounds after ensuring that there is no dange-" I argued. However, I stopped mid-sentence by a sudden wave of familiar reistu. I knew that feeling; I felt that warm reistu surrounding me before. "What was that?" Rangiku questioned.

"Is it another one of them?" Inoue put a hand close to her heart.

I did not answer, nor was I able to.

"Captain?" I heard Rangiku call, but I was too occupied with own thoughts to answer. "Ca-" She started softer, but to no avail.

I ran towards the direction I felt that reistu. That was definitely hers! I recognize it.

What was she doing here? Is she in trouble. My eyes widened coming to a conclusion. No. I found myself quickening my pace. I did not care if they were running after me, calling my name. I had to get to her. And soon, I saw her figure, kneeling down in pain. Her hand clutching onto her white shirt, near her chain. I could not comprehend what came over me when I saw the scene before me. "Karin!" I shouted.

Her response similar to the first time we met, she flinched. Albeit, I had not payed attention to that fact, because I was blinded by an emotion I had not felt to this degree: worry. She looked over her shoulder as I knelt down to be at arms length. I was oblivious to her reaction to seeing me - which was odd - and put my hand on each of her shoulders. "Karin, what happened?" I asked with a face distorted with worry.

Then, another odd happening, she flinched away from me once she took a glance at me. "Please, stay away!" She whimpered. I noticed her staring at her shoulder with fearful eyes. What was going on? I have never seen her like this. I glanced to my side where Rangiku and Orihime had just arrived; they were silent - perhaps wondering what was going on.

"Karin?" I called, but never got a response. Was I too forceful just now? I am not used to physical contact either, but for her to react in such a way? She had no problem with light grazes of knees, or shoulders, or the times when she would lightly hit me. I looked at my hand, seeing nothing but small bits of blood that ran down to them. Blood?

I looked at her shoulder to see small stains of red on her shirt.

Was she...?

"Let me heal your injuries."

"It is fine - merely a few cuts."

"Captain, you're bleeding! How can you say it is 'merely a cut'?!"

I closed my eyes tightly and groaned. "I am a fool."

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