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I'M SOOOO S9RRY FOR NOT HAVING UPDATED FOR SO LONG 😭😭😭😭😭😭 Writers Block was killing me and I didn't know what to write.

Most of the time I forgot that Kaguya is Ruler and I almost wrote completely different chapter that belongs to other story and I had to rewrite it several times.

This chapter isn't perfect as I didn't know what to write so please be satisfied with it 🙃🙃🙃.

I promise I will update at least one a week or even earlier from now on.

With a lots of love Diana.

P.S.: I hope that all of you are OK and healthy. Take care and HAPPY NEW YEAR 🎉🎉🎉


Next week was one of the most chaotic clusterfucks' Sakura has ever had pleasure of experiencing, even more chaotic than that time Mikoto found out about her existence. Sakura had officially named that week as 'Royal Cluster Fuck of Uchiha Elders And Their Matrion'.

She even marked that week in the calendar! So she could go and dissappear whole week to mourn her peaceful, unnoticeable life that Mikoto-sama has so heartlessly buldozered to ground without any remorse.

Back to the story, word that Iron Daimyo had adopted a Heir had gotten out faster and louder than those bullets from the Sniper Guns mundane people used in the Alternative Worlds, Mama Ya had showed her when they were browsing for their future possible homes Sakura planned to get.

Whole week there were other country Daimyo's, their family members or Emissaries coming and going for the elongated Celebration of Sakura's crowning.

Thanksfully Sakura was able to convice her Father (Father... ohmygod! A Father! Can you believe it?! Her beloved Uncle was now her Father!!!) to put her down and let her walk on her own and settled on simply holding her hand or (around) shoulder and when they were together Sakura simply snuggled up to his side.

Simply they were driving everyone cray with their shameless PDA.


Honestly Kaguya had made it her game to count how many fathers, husbands and brothers got their cheeks slapped by jealous  for not being as domestic as Akinori.

She already hit 107! And number was rising still! Heck some even got double slapped! She hadn't had so much fun ever since Momoshiki and Urushiki stopped their CatFight for their Father's attention... But to be honest they hadn't exactly stopped and rather, Kaguya was sent away to Earth. Boomer.


She soooo couldn't wait to go back home after they got Sakura to safety in another world.

She was going to take countless Videos of her siblings making fool of theirselves and laugh at them afterwards with her Baby Master.

But, hmmm... She kinda didn't fet it to be safe to leave her Master alone for such a long time, after all Otsutsuki Mansion was several Galaxies away and it would take her too long to get there and then activate proper seals to teleport back to her Master.

What to do... What to do... What to dooooo.... Oh!

Maybe she should introduce her great something grandson Toneri to Sakura-chan, they were same age and her Master could finally teach her poor grandson how to properly feel and be kid of his age!

Honestly she was thiiiis close to revive his father and clansmates and kill them again for what they have done to the poor boy...

Oh and Urushiki.

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