
978 26 9

I... Um, hi...

Sooo, I have been wondering... Does anyone wants to adopt this story?

Like, I'm serious...
I don't want to keep stranding up the readers anymore for more chapters.

I've lost any motivation to write this story and number of readers this story have means that you guys like this story and its killing jy heart, but let's make it real.

I have no experience in the Fate fandom other than Wiki and AO3. Let alone writing it.

I'm going through the hard times, with the school and home and with the corona going around it's a lot of stress for me.

I don't even have motivation of to write anything now.

Summary and plot pops up, but when it comes to writing it down... Nothing, absolutely nothing.

Im sorry, I'm really sorry, but I can't continue like this.

Im becoming angry with myself because I kept saying to the readers that I would be updating soon, but I always continue to go against my word and its making me sooo angry.

So yeah... Please if anyone wants to continue or even write new version of this story you are all welcome to do it, just tell me so.

Thank you all for coming this far.

All of your comments and votes means a lot for me and I will cherish it all for a long time.

Thank you again and good bye.

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