Chapter 2

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“Well, little boy, I am very glad to have found you” she said with a warm smile.
    “Y-y-you are?” Jimmy asked.
    “Oh yes! Very much so. What is your name?” she asked, quizzically.
    “My name is Jimmy. What’s yours?” his voice growing steadier.
    “Oh, my name is Becky, but you will call me Goddess or Goddess Becky from now on, and your name isn’t Jimmy anymore, from now on you will be called Morsel, because you look so yummy” she said with a wink and a smile.
    She carried Jimmy into her kitchen and placed him on her countertop.
    “Now take off your wrapper, Morsel” she demanded in a strident tone.
    Fear crept back into Jimmy’s voice as he inquired “My wrapper?”
     “Your clothing, Morsel, take them off. You wouldn’t eat a lollipop with the wrapper still on, would you? Your Goddess Becky wants meat for breakfast, not cotton, silly little meatball” she giggled.

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