Chapter 5

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Jimmy felt the hot, wet darkness enclose him. He couldn’t believe it  he was actually in a giant woman’s mouth, about to be eaten with no escape. He struggled to hold back the tears as he came to really he truly was just food.
     Becky moaned and purred with pleasure as the taste of the boy permeated her mouth, and she gently sucked upon him. Her hand stole through the top of her waistband finding her clit, and she masturbated.
    The huge tongue seemed to throb beneath Jimmy as Becky’s moans reached a fevered pitch. He was covered in sticky, gooey saliva that got up his nose, and in his mouth and eyes, drenching his hair. He struggled and gasped for breath.
    As Becky’s moans and purs reached a crescendo Jimmy felt himself moved, by that massive muscular tongue, further into the recesses of that pink cavern, now hidden in darkness. He knew he was being pushed towards Becky’s waiting throat, the point of no return.
    A powerful orgasm rocked Becky’s body and she swallowed her tiny prey with a satisfied gulp. Jimmy felt himself pushed over the edge face first, the muscles of Becky’s throat gripping him firmly, pulling him down the tunnel like a soft constricted water slide slicked with goopy spit and mucous. His arms pinned helplessly at his sides by the powerful muscles of Becky’s throat he eventually felt his face pushed against a sphincter-like muscle that opened and gave way before him. A wave of acrid air burned his eyes and nose while with a final push he fell face first into the giantess waiting stomach with a splash. And there he found himself, waiting to be slowly digested, turned into a giant woman’s poop.

   Becky patted her tummy, and murmured “Good boy” with a smile “I’m gonna take a good shit in the morning, Jimmy”.
    She looked down at her plate and thought aloud “I still have the bread and cheese left over, maybe I’ll have a girl over for lunch.”

                      The End.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 21, 2020 ⏰

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