Chapter 4

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Becky’s stomach grumbled again loudly.
    “look, meatboy, I am very very hungry, do you need help deciding?” asked the giantess, her tone grumpy.
    With growing terror Jimmy’s eyes looked back and forth between the bread and cheese that shared a plate with him, and Becky’s huge pouting mouth.
     Suddenly Becky lifted the boy up close to her face and said “I will show you where you are going”  with that she opened her mouth wide and Jimmy stared into that vast, moist abyss, as she dangled him in front of it. Her tongue came forward and she licked Jimmy’s entire body in one long, slow stroke.     
     “Mmmm” she moaned involuntarily at the taste of boy, “Fee Fi Fo Yum. Sooo good”. She eyed the quaking boy “Look inside, it’s not so bad, is it? Like a big pink cave. I’ll savour you in there a while, meatball, suck on your yummy little body. It might even feel good. If you decide to be a sandwich…” she snapped her teeth shut forcefully “I’ll end it quick”.
     Jimmy flinched, and she licked him again, almost gently, then continued “but if you decide to take the journey alive, well, then you can think of my mouth as the front porch. You’ll ride my soft wet tongue to the back of my mouth and then you will slide gently down my throat.”
     Becky began to lower Jimmy showing him the passage he would take down from the outside. She halted with Jimmy right in front of her tummy, like a giant wall of soft flesh. He could hear it rumble again.
     “This will be your new home, for a while, once you squeeze your way down my esophagus you will land in my belly with a soft plop. It will be dark, but warm and soft and wet. That’s where you will really begin to become a part of me. Sometime tonight you will make your journey through my intestines. Some of you will become part of me, probably part of my big jiggly butt, the rest of you will become poop, and I will squeeze you out of my hiney-hole in the morning.”
     She raised him to her mouth again, she was really salivating now. “Have you decided yet?”
      “Y-y-yes” he stammered “I don’t want to be a sandwich”
       “Good. In you go.” she said, with finality, and with that jimmy sprawled onto Becky’s wet tongue.

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