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Hi again. I'm sorry for not updating often. I'm going to start doing it everyday.
I'm a fat idiot with no self control. I feel absolutely disgusting. Wth is wrong with me?? It's not that hard to just not eat, but for me it is for some reason.
So this month I'm out of school until the 26th, and I'm kind of nervous about starting it. I feel like I'm going to struggle with online schooling. Ill adjust soon enough though, I hope.
Do any of you guys have the app Vent?? If you don't and are able to, GET IT. It's so helpful. it's literally just a safe community where you can vent about anything. I've really needed that app so I'm thankful for it.
I had to throw away my blades a month or so ago but I recently got a new one. I'm so glad because I seriously needed it. I'm like 2 days clean. What's the longest you have been clean for? For me, it's 4 months.
I don't really know what else to say.... I'm kind of just bored so that's why I'm writing this lol.
Well I hope you all have/had a fabulous day :)
I'll update soon x

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