Chapter 15) To Tomorrow

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*Your P.O.V*

Rushing up the gun-sight into the bright rays of the sun.

"Hurry! Come on. We're gonna make it!" Guy tells everyone as he pulls me along by my hand.

When we rush toward "Tomorrow," it is a golden, ethereal image created by a perfect alignment of sun, clouds, and mountain. It looks as if we can cross a solid bridge of clouds and climb onto a waiting sun.

"You were right." Eep states amazed.

"There it is. The sun. We can do it! We can ride it to Tomorrow." Guy gushes as he looks into my eyes smiling.

Even Grug is taken with the sight - it's there after all. We stare at the open meadow across from us. Tremors violently shake the ground.

"Run!" Guy yells to us.

When the rift opens in front of us, the hot gasses and blasts of hot ash bursts the clouds from beneath. The debris shades the sun, revealing a very Earthly landscape beyond. From our perspective, Tomorrow vanished before our eyes. A shockwave knocks a large chunk of rock off the edge we are standing on blowing us backwards.

"I don't understand. The sun was right here. It was right here." Guy states upset.

KABOOM! A gargantuan jet of ash stabs at the sky. Ugga pulls us away from the ledge. She herds them back toward the gunsight.

"We have to go back to the cave. Hurry, hurry, stay together. Let's keep moving. Move, move! Everybody hold my hand. Thunk let's go. Go! Let's stay together." Ugga tries to usher us.

But Grug doesn't join us. Instead, Grug takes a step towards the precipice, peering into the curtain of ash as if trying to burn a hole straight through it.

"Grug? What's wrong with you? Grug we'll die if we stay here!" Ugga urges.

Grug spies a wispy shaft of light Struggling through the ash cloud. I watch as he holds up his hand to feel it. A beam of light settles on his palm. Grug is enlightened.

"Grug. Listen to me. We've gotta get back to that cave." Ugga tries to warn him.

Grug looks back at his family, huddled, terrified. The picture of what he would have wanted in the beginning. The sight bothers him. Grug turn to face them.

"No more dark. No more hiding. No more caves." Grug assures them.

"What's the point of all this?" Grug asks us as if he's answering a question. "To follow the light."

A smile breaks across Eep and I's face our dad has answered the question.

"I can't change. I don't have ideas. But I have my strength. And right now that's all you need." Grug tells us smiling sadly.

"No. We don't know what's over there. Maybe nothing. It's too risky." Ugga tells him sacred.

"It's a chance." Grug states. Belt wipes a tear off his face.

"I'll take that chance." Guy tells him.

I watch nervously as Grug lifts Guy above his head.

"You know, I've wanted to throw you away ever since I met you." Grug tells the guy I like.

"Heh. That's a joke, right?" Guy asks worried.

"What's a joke?" Grug kinda jokes back. Right?

Grug's comment freaks Guy out. Belt puts on his helmet for safety. With a titanic effort, he hurls Guy in to the void. WE wait an eternity. Then a horn sounds.

"He made it... He made it..." Ugga sighs in relief.

"Okay, Thunk. Your turn." Grug states getting ready to throw him.

"You're not coming, are you?" Thunk asks sadly.

"When you make it, so will I." Grug smiles sadly at his son.

Grug hurls Thunk.

Ugga kisses Grug. She whispers in his ear.

"You did good." Ugga tells him.

"Daddy." Sandy says smiling at her father.

Grug wipes a tear from Ugga's eye. Then lifts her above his head. He hurls her across.

"Gran." Grug addresses.

Gran is next in line.

"No mush, just throw me." Gran growls at him making me and Eep chuckle.

Grug lifts her above his head.

"Wait. You surprised me today. Lunkhead." Gran compliments, surprising all three of us.

Grug smiles and throws her next.

"Still alive!!!" Gran shouts.

Another trembler. More cliff falls away. Now the distance is even greater. Eep is next in line.

"Time to go." Grug smiles at his daughter.

"No. I have too much to say to you. I need to fix everything and I don't have time." Eep says crying.

"I can fix it." Grug says smiling down at her.

Grug embraces Eep.

"This works good. What do you call it?" Eep tells him smiling.

"I was thinking of calling it a Hug." Grug explains, clearing his throat he continues. "Because it rhymes with Grug. But you can change it if you want."

"No. I like a 'Hug.'" Eep sates.

"I love you." Grug says abruptly, surprising Eep.

"I love you too dad." Eep responds, hugging Grug.

With that Grug hurls my sister over and turns to me.

"Ready to go kiddo?" Grug asks me jokingly.

"I don't think I can, I have so much to apologize for I can't even say how mu-" I start to rant, tearing up before Grug cuts me off.

"It's okay Y/n, I know. I may not be your father but you let me watch over you and take care of you all these years. Although you might not think of me as a father, I definitely think of you a one of my kids." Grug tells me, pulling me in for a hug.

"How could you say that? Of course I think of you as a dad, how could I not? You've taken care of me my entire life, and I'm so thankful  for that. Thank you... dad." I sheepishly tell him back, tears streaming down my face.

Grug stands their speechless looking down at me with a sweet smile.

"I love you kiddo" Grug says smiling at me.

"I lo-" I start too respod before the ground begins to shake and break apart around us.

"I'm scared." I say turning to look up at my dad.

"Never be afraid." Grug tells me proudly.

The gap grows wider. Grug lifts me and makes the greatest throw of his life. The tumult parts briefly. Grug can see our entire family safe on the other side. He waves a last goodbye. To his surprise, a shaft of sunlight has settled on his open hand.

"There. I see him!" Guy tells us, giving me a side hug.

Our family waves to Grug to let him know we are okay.

(1097 words)

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