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It was 6:30 when I woke up to make breakfast for my family . Today was Nene's first day at daycare and I wasn't feel to good about it , I don't like that she going to be away from me and not with a family member . Around 7 I went to wake up the rest of my family up and if course Kaden was the hardest to get up , I promise you sometimes I feel like he's the child. I let him get his last five minutes in while I got Nene ready . I put her in the tub and washed her hair ,she want to wear it curly so I just washed it and let it be.

"Baby are you scared" I asked her while she dried off.

"Kinda but I'm going to be okay mommie " she said and kissed my forehead .

After she was dressed I told her to get her daddy up . With that she took off , I could her jump in the bed and yell "daddy get up" then I hear laughing and I walked in to Kaden tickling Nevaeh . I pull out my phone and recorded then and posted it on Instagram and said My morning after look at the comments and the likes that came instantly , I went to help my baby. It took me and Kaden 45 ish minutes to get ready. After that we was off to get Nene to daycare and us to school . Once we pulled up to the daycare nene act like she was shy and didn't wanna go. I carried her in with Kaden behind me with her pink hello kitty bookbag . Once we got to her class I put her down and she ran right to Kaden legs .

"Princess don't you wanna go make new friends and play " He said to her getting down too her level.

She just shook here head and looked around the room . Then this little girl came up too her

"Hey I'm Chole ,do you wanna play with me ? " She ask nene

She look back and me and Kaden and we shook our heads yes with that she hugged both of us and told us she loved us . We told the teacher we would be be back around 5:30 since we both had practice tonight It was about a 20 minute drive to our school , as soon as we pulled to the school I had to go to my first class. I was sitting there and kept checking my phone , I was just feeling off .

"Bitch why you keep checking your phone" Monaé asked me laughing .

"Cause something just feels off " I told her .

"That's only cause this is your first time away from Nene " she said

" I guess I said " still sounding worried .

The bell finally rang and I had my TA period , yeah I got my schedule changed I found out that I didn't really need that class. This teacher never really had me doing anything so I went to the gym to dance some. I was in my own zone and it kept my mind busy . I went into the locker room too wash up and change for 3rd , when I checked my phone I had a miss call from Nevaeh's daycare . I hurried up and called them back .

" Thank you for calling The Sunshine House how may I help you." This lady said .

"I'm the mother of Nevaeh Smith , and I miss a call from yall " I said trying to stay calm .

" Uhm I think it's urgent that you and Nevaeh's dad come her as soon as possible she said

" Please tell me what's going on , what's wrong with my daughter " I said with worry in my voice .

"She is missing" the lady said .

With that I dropped my phone and rushed to put on my clothes . Im the process I managed to text Kaden and tell him to meet me at the car now. Once I was dressed I ran out the school and Kaden was already in the car .


I can't believe my daughter is fucking missing , like what am I paying them for if she missing . All these thing we're running though my head until I thought about that message from Simone but by then Shaé was in the car and rushing me.

We pulled up too the daycare within 20 minutes and Shaé ran in the building so far .

"Where the fuck is my daughter" she said yelling

"We going to need for you too calm down" the officer told her

They told us that the kids were out back playing on the playground and they heard yelling and next thing the the teacher knew Nevaeh was missing.

After about an hour with the police questioning us about who would want to take Nevaeh and were she could of ran away to , they finally sent us home and said they would call if they heard something .


We made it home and I was still piss off , who the fuck kidnaps a 4 year old , I swear if this person hurts my daughter I'm going to jail .

I sent out a group text to my girls and let them know what was going on

Text Message

Me : Nene was kidnap today durn daycare , I told y'all letting her go to daycare was a bad idea.

Monaé : OMG , my baby ! I'm sorry Bae I'm here if you need me

Donaé : WTF ! Who has my mini me . When I find out who I'm snapping


Yeah I took the little bitch.

"I want my mommie and daddy" Nevaeh said

"Shut the fuck up" I told her while hitting her .

This bitch is annoying as fuck but this with teach them


-who had Nevaeh ?

But we don't have school today so guess I'll be updating 💋

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