25. Meeting Little Man

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I'm two days over due and nothing had happened. I feel so uncomfortable, Kaden has been trying but he just gets on my nerves.

"Bae are you hungry" Kaden asks me

"Yeah I want my Asian Chicken Salad" I yelled back

I heard him walk in the kitchen and start preparing it. Monaé has been staying with us in the guest room till I have KJ .

"How are you feeling " she said rubbing my stomach.

"Like Shit , your damn godson is kicking my ass" I said laying down.

"Just hold in there but uhm I gotta tell you something" she said looking away

"What's is it and don't bullshit around the answer" I said with an attitude.

"Donaé Wants To Come by for y'all can talk" she said still rubbing my belly.

I sat up and looked at her , I eventually rolled my eyes and walked out . I don't have time to be stressed and dealing with that.


Kaden POV

I was laying in bed with Shaè cuddled up under me . When she's sleep or eating seems to be the only time she ain't bitching at someone.

"Bae I'm scared" she said outta the blue

"Don't be , we will be okay and everything will go fine" I said pushing her hair outta her face

I got up and started a warm shower for her and joined her in there , when we shower seem to be the only time I get to see her body . Since getting pregnant Shaè hasn't liked her body , she won't me touch or kiss her . In my honest opinion Shaè looks cute pregnant , her ass has gotta fatter and her boobs and hair have grown a lot . She not really big but you definitely tell she's ready to pop. Once we got out the shower she wrap a tower around her body and brushed her wet hair into a bun. I was stand off in the back looking at her.

"Kaden Stop looking at me , i know I'm fat now " she said

"Babe you not fat your pregnant and you look beautiful " I said wrapping my arms around her and kissing her .

She tried to move my hands but I held on tighter and turned her around . I looked in her eyes and she looked down like she was embarrassed. I lift her face by her chin and kissed her , she didn't kiss back at first but I grabbed her ass cause her too left out a soft moan. I lift her and sat her on the bathroom counter and step between her legs all without braking our kiss. I know Shaè had to be horny cause durn the kiss I felt her go for my dick.

"Bae I want you" she managed to say.

"Bae we can't your to far alone" I said

"Kaden please just the tip , it would help with him coming" she said

With that I position myself at her entrance and slid in . The face she made where turning me on I moved in and out of her

"sí, papá más rápido" she moaned out

"Fuck" I said

Shaè knows how I feel about her speaking In Spanish. After an Hour We both hit our climax and we shower again and went to lay down for bed.

The Next Day

I've been up since 4 this morning with contractions they are 20 minutes apart. Kaden called my doctor and he told me that I shouldn't come to the hospital until I can't take it no more.

"Babe do you wanna sit in the tub " Kaden asked me .

I shook my head yes . He went too run the tub and I got in. I was sitting there for about an hour when I felt this really sharp pain in my lower stomach.

"KADEN" I yelled

Aaron,Monaé and Kaden came running in the bathroom. I need too go too the hospital now I said . I was in tears and im starting to think something is wrong.

"Bestfriend clam down its not good for little man if you all worked up" Aaron said hugging me .

"Shaè listen too Aaron , just go lay down and try to rest " Monaé said

"Here Bae put this on and lay down" Kaden says handing me his shirt

I went into my bedroom and cuddled up with my body pillow and started too fall asleep.

Kaden POV

While Shaè was sleep I went ahead and packed up the baby bag and her bag. I clean up the last of the gift from little mans baby's however. I was getting ready too lay down when I heard yelling. I ran up too our room and I was Shaè crying with blood on her hands.

"Kaden I'm sorry , I don't what happened" she says crying

"Bae don't be sorry , come on we gotta get too the hospital fast " I said picking her bridal style.

Once we got into the car I speeded through traffic with Aaron and Monaé on my ass. I'm worried for the safety of my baby and wife. I looked over at Shaè and she looked like she was about too pass out . I grabbed her hand and squeezed it , she looked over at me and gave me a soft smile and her eyes closed.

"Shit" I mumbled

Within five minutes of that we pulled up to hospital, I pulled up blowing my horn . They came out with the bed and the took her from the car to bed and rushed her in the hospital. I went and parked the car and ran as fast as I could to get to her.

"I need the room of Shaè Davis" I told the lady.

She began typing on the computer and told me she was in room 627 . I ran to the room she told me and saw Shaè , she looked better but still looked like she was in a lot of pain .

"Shaè , you scared the shit outta me , I thought I lost you and my baby boy." I said kissing her

"I'm sorry to scare you" she said looking away

I turned he face back my way and kissed her and told her I loved her and KJ with all my heart. Shaè told me the blood was from her water breaking and from us having sex . I started to feel bad cause I told her it was a bad idea but she reinsure me the her and our baby was okay .

We was sitting around the room or walking up and down the hall until they told Shaè it was time too push.

"Okay Mrs.Davis we going too count to ten I want you push when I get to three and stop at ten" they told her.

She shook her head and grabbed my hand.

"1..2..3..4..5..6..7..8..9..10" the nurse counted

Shaè was doing so good . After doing it doing that cycle 5 times she became tired and you could tell

"Bae I can't do it no more" she said

"Come on baby just give me one big push and our baby will be here" I said encouraging her.

With them word she pushed and pushed and at exactly 11:11 my baby boy was born weighing 6 pounds 3 ounces 21 inches long , he had Shaè's and mines curly hair , his skin tone was a perfect mix of the two he has Shaè's eyes but got his dimples from me .

"Congratulations " the nurse said to us as she handed him too Shaè .

1 week later

"Mommy I wanna hold my brudda" NeNe says climbing into my bed .

I position him into her arm that way she was hold his head the right way, it was a big transition for her when we brought him him. At first she wasn't use to him being here now she alway wants too hold , feed , bath , or play with him. I took a picture of them and posted it on my Instagram and said

there bond is unbreakable and only going too get better.

My life could be any better , I have both my kids , my wonder husband and soon I'll have my dream job .


Well This Is The End 😔😭 , but I'm thinking about a book 2 ! I hope y'all enjoyed this and continue the journey with me In book 2 😍💋

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