Changing our forever chapter 2

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Instead of unpacking, I had been reading constantly since I first started Twilight. I only stopped when absolutely necessary. Charlie probably thought I was crazy. I had hardly even spoken to him since I got here. I would have to make it up to him tonight. I was completely enthralled with this story of my "life." If only it were real. But, really, vampires and werewolves? I wasn't born yesterday. I was so relieved to get to the last chapter of Breaking Dawn and enjoy the happily ever after this Stephenie Meyer person had granted my character. I did always enjoy a Disney style fairytale ending. I was lingering over the last sentence, when I heard a gasp. I glanced up into the eyes of an angel.

I recognized him instantly. Pale skin, dark circles, butterscotch eyes, bronze messy hair, flawless features. I noticed he was staring at me just as intensely as I stared at him. For a moment, I blushed and felt self-conscious. He smiled when I blushed, and I relaxed, knowing from the books that he saw me the same way I saw him. In his eyes, I was beautiful, an angel. I might consider him delusional, I might not see it myself, but I would not doubt his feelings for me. Look how much trouble my low self-esteem caused my character in the story.

"Edward!" I breathed, hardly daring to believe my eyes. Perhaps I had actually fallen asleep and was now dreaming? I pinched myself to be sure. Yep, definitely awake.

"Bella!" he murmured reverently. "May I enter?" I smiled at his friendly formality.

"Please do." I closed the Breaking Dawn book and set it down on my nightstand. Edward climbed in and casually strolled toward the bed.

"How are you handling your thirst?" I wondered, confused. He smiled and gestured toward the books.

"I received the same four books in an anonymous package. I snuck into your house earlier and grabbed your sock from the laundry hamper. I've spent the last six hours becoming accustomed to your scent. It really is overwhelmingly delicious," he confessed with a crooked grin. My heartbeat sped up at the sight, and his grin got wider. I blanched at the idea of him sniffing my dirty sock, but I was thankful for anything that allowed him to be this close to me. Then his first words registered.

"You've read the whole Twilight series too?" I asked in astonished delight. He nodded solemnly. "Well, that certainly makes things easier."

He nodded again, reaching for my books. "May I?" I nodded, curious. Was there something in particular he wanted to ask or point out to me? He sighed as he quickly flipped through them, then handed them to me. I was dismayed to see they were all completely blank.

"What happened?" I shrieked in dismay.

"The same thing happened to mine when I finished reading them. I don't know why."

"Because we've already changed the story," I whispered, having a brief epiphany.

He looked surprised, then nodded thoughtfully. "You're right, we have. Frankly, I'm relieved. There are several major things I'd like to change. It's good to know we can."

"Please don't leave me," I begged, thinking back to New Moon. He grabbed my hand and squeezed it gently.

"I won't, I promise," he claimed firmly. "I already know it would be an absolute disaster. And I will change you when the time comes. Now that I know you won't regret it, I'm not afraid."

I beamed at him. Two major victories already, and we just met! I silently sent up a prayer of intense gratitude and blessing for Ms. Meyer's forethought in sending us the books.

"I'm already in love with you, Edward," I confessed, hoping he felt the same.

"I will love you forever, Isabella Marie Swan," he professed. "I'm very thankful you're real and not a fictional character." I laughed, knowing he had started falling in love with me through the books, just as I had done for him.

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