Changing our forever 26

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I watched my Bella sleep all night in my arms, her smile warmed my cold insides. I leaned down to kiss her involuntarily and she stretched, scrunching up her perfect, beautiful, face and yawning. Her eyes fluttered for mere seconds then opened and rested on me. her smile grew radient as she wrapped her arms around my sholders. I rested my forehead against hers.

"Good morning my angel." I whispered to her.

"Morning." she replied in a sleepy voice. She stretched again and yawned.

"sorry for waking you." I said to her softly running my fingers through her hair.

she just shook her head and slumped against the pillows rubbing her temples with her forefingers..

"What's wrong?" I asked, she pouted as if she was going to burst out in tears and stood up, walking towards the restrooms. "Bella?"

She just held up her finger, signaling me to wait a minute. I heard the sink start and the cubboard open and close and some sort of container pop open and snap close again before she came back out, She sat back down beside me with one of her hands curled up around something and the other hand holding a glass of water. she shoved two asprin in her mouth and gulped some of her water before laying the glass on the table beside the bed and laying down.

"Are you okay?" I asked.

"I will be, once the asprin kicks in." She murmered.

"are you hungry?" I asked, she nodded gently, her eyes starting to close again. 

 I sighed, told her I'd be back and to wait there for me, before running downstairs to make her some breakfast. When I walked into the living room I noticed Rosalie and Esme was bouncing up and down in their seats.

I knew why... Renesmee. I smiled at the thought that my perfect daughter was soon to be brought into this world. I tried to picture what she would look like with my hair and Bellas eyes.... a perfect mixture of me and my love... we really had to stock up on blood before hand.... I didn't want Bella to be in pain for even seconds.. especially if it's not neccesary, I wonder how different the pregnancy will go, now that we know what will happen.

Alice was jumping up and down to, and I did not have to read her mind to know it wasn't because of my daughter, but it was because of the upcoming wedding that she got to plan. My smile grew into a full blown grin as I walked into the kitchen, where Seth, Jacob, Leah, Emily and Sam were all gathered around a big breakfast.

I was greeted with a chourus of Heys. and stares, no that I didn't expect it, I felt like my jaws were going to break off I was smiling so much.  Seth was the first to jump up.

"I heard about the engagement, Congratulations." He pulled me into a hug, clapping his hand on my back hard enough to make a sound, but gentle enough as if not to hurt himself.

I smiled. "Thanks Seth." Jacob and Sam were the next ones up.

"Congratulations!" They said together, each fist pounding me. I chuckled.

"I'm really happy for you Edward, and Bella to." Emily said.

 Leah laughed. "I was waiting for this moment." she smirked.

Leah was still a wonderful person to be around, but like Meyers future her father passed on with a cardiac arrest, of course she took it hard, but she is still the same person.

"Thanks guys, I really appreciate it." I murmered thoughtfully. I picked Bella up a plate of food completely blocking out everyones thoughts, so I was surprised when I turned around to see both Emily and leah gone.

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