Changing our Forever 12

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"So if you're all here, where's Bella?" Charlie asked in concern, standing with us in Tyler's front yard.

"She's with Leah and Seth Clearwater, Charlie. They won't let anything happen to her," Alice chirped, giving him a big smile.

His eyes got a bit dazed as he smiled absently back at her. "Hey, Carlisle, Esme, I hate to ask, but I've got to work a double shift tonight, since one of my deputies is sick. Would you mind if Bella stays with you tonight?"

"Of course we don't mind, Charlie! Bella is welcome any time," Esme offered lovingly.

"Thanks," he mumbled gruffly, blushing under Esme's warm regard. "Uh, I've got to go back to the station now. See you later." He quickly got into his squad car and left.

"Finally!" Rose huffed. "You two mutts are about to register on the Richter scale."

"Bite me!" Jacob growled.

"Only in your dreams, dog breath," Rose sneered.

"Only in my nightmares," he muttered in return, really starting to shake despite Jasper's hand on his shoulder.

"We need to get to the tree line now!" Jasper commanded. "Jacob, toss your keys to Esme. She'll take your car back to our house. You're not going to be in any condition to drive." He used his 'Major Whitlock' voice, which immediately spurred everyone to action. Jacob tossed his keys to Esme as Jasper, Jacob, and Embry began running in tandem toward the forest. Rose, Emmett, and I ran after them, while the others decided to return to the house and wait.

As soon as they were safely out of sight inside the trees, Jasper let go of the boys and sprang fifteen feet away in a single jump, turning to watch. Once free of Jasper's influence, they immediately began phasing into wolves. It only took a few seconds for them to completely transform. We were then face to face with two massive, deadly, horse-sized wolves. They instinctively growled and bared their teeth at the sight and smell of us after their change. I was glad there were four of us, just in case a brand new werewolf was just as confused as a brand new vampire. We stood as still as statues, waiting for recognition to gleam in their eyes and comprehension to flash through their minds. We didn't have to wait more than a few minutes.

Whoa, that was really odd, a little painful, but mostly creepy. The vamps look weird with my new eyesight. Kind of sparkly. So, Edward. A bark came out as Jacob tried to speak. He looked rather startled with himself, which caused all of us to start chuckling.

What's so funny? Yeah, they do look kind of sparkly, Jake. Jasper's scars are a lot more obvious than they were before. And boy do our new friends stink. It kind of burns my nose. Embry reached a paw up and rubbed his snout, whining. We chuckled again.

"What are they thinking, Edward?" Emmett asked curiously, amusement gleaming in his eyes.

"Embry says we stink. He says we're burning his nose," I relayed.

Rose snorted. "Oh, well, we simply adore the aroma of wet dog they are so gallantly emitting."

I started gathering the tattered remains of their garments. "Just wait until I show these to Alice. You know what that'll mean." We vamps all chuckled darkly, giving our best evil genius impressions. "Shopping trip!" I sang out these words, as if announcing a new evil torture device.

The wolves gave us horrified and slightly scared looks, before they sat on their haunches and started to 'beg'. "Better you than me," Jasper muttered with a shrug.

"Yeah, sorry, guys, but we're going to throw you…to the wolves!" Emmett started laughing so hard he fell to ground with a giant bang that shook the forest. It was pretty impressive to see the massive wolves both rolling their eyes at Emmett.

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