Edward helped me prepare dinner for Charlie. Well, actually, he kept me company while I prepared it. He stepped up behind me, his arms around my waist, and rested his chin on my shoulder to watch me putting things together. When it came time to cut the veggies to be included in the sauce, he insisted on being the one to wield the knife. I giggled at the expression on his face when he saw the knife in my hand. I had to admit his precautions were reasonable, considering my accident history. The funniest part was watching him slice and dice at vampire speed. It made me think of a commercial—Don't have a food processor? Just use your handy dandy neighborhood vampire!
I chuckled to myself. It was a good thing Edward couldn't read my mind, or else he'd be scared away by all the random, bizarre thoughts that pass through my head in the course of a day. Sometimes I even scared myself.
As I started making the layers, he moved his hands to my hips, started humming, and helped my hips move to the rhythm. I moved in place enjoying the contact of my body with his. Well, since I had committed myself to attend Prom, I guess I needed to learn how to dance.
As I placed the lasagna into the oven to bake, I heard a gentle knock on the kitchen door. Edward smoothly went over to open it.
"Who is it?" I asked, closing the oven.
"Surprise!" Alice shouted, bounding into the room and giving me a big hug. "We came to keep you company for a bit."
"Good evening, Bella," Jasper greeted me, strolling calmly and quietly into the room.
"Hey, Alice and Jasper!" I smiled and nodded, amused by the contrast between the two. They were definitely a case for those who believed opposites attract. Come to think of it, so were Rosalie and Emmett. But Carlisle and Esme were a case for those who believe like attracts like. In some ways, Edward and I were opposites now, but we wouldn't be once I was changed. Huh. I wonder if that will make a difference in the way Edward feels about me. Well, according to Meyer, we become even closer after the change, so I'm not going to worry about it. We were opposites in superficial ways: predator vs. prey, vampire vs. human, dead vs. alive. I chuckled internally again. Let's not forget our most significant opposite: man vs. woman. That's what it all boils down to in the end. I love Edward the man, who just happens to be a vampire, and that's why it doesn't matter what he is. All that matters is that he is Edward, and there is no one else for me, nor will there ever be.
"Soooo," Alice began, then looked at me expectantly.
"So what?" I responded, deliberately pretending to be obtuse.
"So is there anything you want to tell me?" Alice demanded.
I pretended to think. "Hmmm, nope, can't think of anything."
Alice sighed in exasperation. "Obviously, I know all about your little talk in the meadow, Bella."
"Uh, huh," I agreed as if I were merely humoring her.
She waited for another minute, but I just stared at her wearing a peaceful smile.
"Uggghh! You are so frustrating!" She raged.
My smile became a little smug. "Me? Frustrating? I can't imagine how you might find me frustrating. How about having a best friend who forces you to go shopping when you hate it, buys you clothes when she knows you hate her spending money on you, drives more than double the speed limit when she knows it scares you, dresses you up in fancy clothes when she knows you are more comfortable in jeans and sweats, carries on silent conversations with her family members, which she knows annoys the heck out of you, answers questions before you ask them, and makes you suffer through repeated makeovers. None of that is frustrating, right?"
Changing our forever.
FanficWhat if Bella and Edward both got a set of four books called Twilight? Can Their future be changed? Can all the wrongs be done right?