Changing our future 19

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The wolves and vampires had a great time playing baseball together. Though the wolves mainly played in human form, they would sometimes change into wolves to run around the bases after batting, or to chase a ball. Jacob was exceptionally quick at changing, so he tended to do that a lot. It was fascinating to watch him change back to human form just in time to catch the ball. The teams were fairly well matched and were tied 5 to 5 when Alice registered the nomads' decision to seek out the players. The wolves went to make themselves scarce, hiding downwind as they had been told. The bat they had used was carried downwind as well. Before Jacob and Sam left, they ran over to give Bella big sweaty hugs, one from the front and the other from the back. Jacob wiped his arm on Bella's hair.

"Eww, Jacob! Ugh, you two are all sweaty! Yuck. Now I'm covered in wolf sweat," she complained holding her arms out from her body. I couldn't help chuckling as she looked so disgusted. She glared at me. "Why don't you let them hug you, Edward? I'm sure you'd like to be drenched in werewolf sweat too."

I laughed along with Jacob and Sam as they quickly disappeared into the forest. "Darling Bella, what you don't realize is they deliberately drenched you in their sweat. We are hiding your human scent, since we know that didn't go over well last time. Now you don't smell edible anymore." I wrinkled my nose. "You definitely don't smell edible anymore. I don't think they are going to want to get too close to you."

My family all looked at me as if I was a genius, which of course I was. I soon picked up on the nomads' thoughts.

Do you smell that? There are werewolves here! The authority in the voice identified this vampire as James.

How many? questioned another male vampire who must be Laurent.

At least two, maybe more. James replied. The trail is a few hours old. There are vampire scents mixed with them.

What do you want to do? asked a female vampire, so she must be Victoria.

There are definitely vampires up ahead. James stated. We can hear them. We should talk to them and find out what's going on here. There may be an infestation of werewolves around here.

Is it dangerous? Victoria asked worriedly. Maybe we should go? Remember the one you fought in Siberia. Is it worth it?

Think, Victoria! It is daytime! James said scornfully. Children of the Moon can only change at nighttime around a full moon. Right now, they are in their weaker human form. We can easily exterminate them while they are stuck, unable to transform and defend themselves.

I agree! Laurent exclaimed. We will have the other vampires to help us too. I do not want a bunch of werewolves following our scent when we leave here. You know they love to hunt down vampires and kill them for sport.

Of course, you're right, James. Victoria agreed reluctantly. I'm with you whatever you decide.

Laurent, when we approach these vampires, I want you to take the leadership position. James instructed. While they are focusing on you, I'll be assessing them to determine how much of a threat they present. Besides, you have more patience for the whole diplomatic thing.

As you wish, James. Laurent conceded. Though if they are playing games as we suspected, I am guessing they must be mostly friendly.

I relayed their thoughts to the rest of the family and the wolves until they came within hearing range. They popped out of the forest, with Laurent taking the forward position. They approached us carefully in defensive crouches. As their eyes took in our clean and civilized appearance, they relaxed a bit in surprise.

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