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"We have a new assignment." Beom said in her wavery, attempted imitation of her idol, Yeonha. Hyunwoo, Chan, and Yeonha, sat around the table, completely ignoring Ji-hye and Minseok who circled them while filming. "Seoul Psychiatric Hospital, now abandoned." She clicked the remote for her laptop, the camera turning to pan the pictures as they scrolled across the screen. "It had a long history, but as usual we will not look into the history, preferring to judge a haunting on what we feel there." She said airily, glossed lips smiling slightly at the camera.

"We will be doing a week long investigation." Yeonha said in that soft, far away tone she always used, Minseok moving the lens to her immediately, her skin fairly glowing in the low light of the library, their usual meeting place. "A large building that has a terrifying history." she breathed deeply, shuddering, "I can feel it already, it calls to me." Blood red lips trembled, gasping, as she clutched her head. Hyunwoo, who sat beside her, patted her back theatrically, they knew what was up. She gasped, sitting straight up, trembling slightly. "The dead, they call to me...they seek me out to ease their pain." She spoke as if she was miles away, looking at something distant. She sagged then as if being let go, holding the arms of the chair.

Nodding, Hyunwoo turned to the others, "The plan is we leave Monday, we will stay on site the entire time, camping out on the very grounds."

No one spoke.

Yeonha reached out, taking their hands tightly. "Light protect us, surround us. Keep us safe and hold us close as we venture into the world of death." she whispered. 

They ended with an 'Amen.'

Minseok clicking the camera off.


"I'm thinking we should leave next Monday," Jungkook began, fingers nimbly wielded the chopsticks as he ate from the takeout container. Namjoon had shown up half hour ago with the food, much to the happiness of the others.

After their morning adventure they had set about the business of getting ready for the up coming research expedition. Jungkook finishing grading, marking papers, and wrapping up his first semester of teaching.

Jin and Tae had argued good naturedly, packing up the delicate equipment; much of it new, Jin excitedly explaining everything with such detail it had Tae's head spinning over filled with information. He had no idea this kind of equipment existed. Special camera's to capture ghosts, special film, and special detecting equipment.

Taehyung laughed. "Just ask me, I'll point them out."

Jin had laughed and went right on talking as everything was carefully packed away. When Namjoon had come they had settled on the couch, pulling over chairs, they gathered around the map and information piled on the table.

"How long are we going to spend doing research?"

Jungkook shrugged. "I'm thinking a week tops."

There was a collective exhaling of relief from the other three. None ashamed by their trepidation, hell even Jungkook wasn't looking forward to this.

"I don't think we should stay on site," Tae said, pulling the map towards him.

"What do you mean?" Namjoon spoke, slurping some noodles.

"We go in whenever we want to, do said research but leave, don't spend the entire time camping out right there."

The blonde grinned. "That's a great idea, we can stay at a nearby resort I saw in the nearby town, it's like a five star joint." He hurried over to the table pulling out some sheets and returning it. "I was looking for places that were nice because I figured we would vacation a little while we were out."

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