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Remember ...

(Parenthesis indicates a vision from Jungkook)


"Just up here sir." the soldier in the back seat said, pointing to the gravel road, at a break in the trees ahead.

Taehyung nodded, guiding the rumbling truck towards the spot. He stopped at the wide path over choked with weeds now, looking dark and unpleasant in the late afternoon light." You sure Corporal?"

Nodding, he was suddenly out of the idling truck and beside the window. "Yes, thank you. I have someone I need to meet." He spoke in that same soft tone, but now a sad smile seemed to play across his face.

Taehyung returned the nod. "Good luck Marine." he said as the dead soldier turned, heading down the road, the large pack slung on his shoulder once more.

Yoongi paused, turning. "Hold on to him Sir." he spoke, eyes shaded once more by the glasses. "They can be taken from us so easily." Straightening, he saluted smartly. "Semper fi."

Taehyung returned the salute. "Semper fi." 

Chocolate eyes watched as the figure walking down the road began to fade out, until nothing but the rusting leaves and dirt kicking up in the wind was seen.

Jungkook awoke, blinking and stretching. Taehyung moved to look at his boyfriend. Yawning, the younger straightened, blinking in the sun as he turned, smiling at Tae.

Slumberous bambi eyes regarded him. "Hey, we there yet?" he quirked, voice thick and quiet.

Taehyung, unable to speak shook his head, unable to stop looking at his lover, the words of his hitchhiker rolling around in his mind; 'hold onto him'. "Not quite." Tae replied, glancing back down the road once more, on the off chance Corporal Min was still wandering down it's path.

Jungkook glanced around. "Where are we?" he mumbled, frowning at the gravel path.

 Sighing, Taehyung leaned on the steering wheel. "If I had to guess, the entrance to the drive of Seoul Psychiatric."

Doe eyes widened. "But why?"

Taehyung smiled a little. "Dropping off a new friend." he mumbled, before throwing the truck into reverse, according the his GPS they were ten minutes from the resort and they were, no doubt, way behind the other two.

"What do you mean hyung? Did we pick someone up?"

As they got back on the road, Tae explained what had happened. Jungkook was both amazed, and pissed, that Taehyung hadn't woken him up. "I'm sorry Kookie." he mumbled as they rolled to a stop at the traffic light on main street. The resort was just outside of town on the far side. 

Jungkook half smiled. "I can't stay mad at you, anyway what was he like?"

They headed through as the light changed. "Different."

"How so?"

"He didn't look dead, but he was."

Jungkook frowned, "Still not understanding."

Taehyung sighed, eyes on the road as they passed more colorful looking shops. "Usually the dead look just like they did when they died. Headless, bloody, stretched out neck, that sort of thing...but he...he was just himself."

Jungkook thought. "You said he was wearing an older uniform?"

Tae nodded, spotting the turn for the resort and heading through the elaborate gates, to a green manicured lawn.

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