Too late!-Jordan's POV

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Cierra and I were currently hiding in a plant. Why you ask? Oh only because my younger brother and sister were stuffed into animatronic suits and murdered. Their now apparently out to kill us. Cierra was silently crying. When we saw them go back to the stage, we ran for our lives to the office.
"Did you find them?" The Security Guard asked. Cierra collapsed in a heap on the floor.
"No." I spoke quietly.
"Murdered at 17 and 19!" Cierra sobbed. The security Guard looked aghast!
"I-I'm so sorry!" He stuttered.
"What's your name." I asked.
"Jeremy.." He said his eyes were wide. I nodded.
"What time is it?" Cierra sobbed.
"4." Jeremy said.
"Will you be back tomorrow night?" I asked impatiently.
"Yes. But we're moving to a new location. Soon anyways." Jeremy sighed.
"We'll sneak into the new place." I said. Jeremy nodded and looked through the cameras.
"Bethany..." Cierra whispered.
"I know." I forced the words out of my mouth. Bethany the Bunny was in the hallway. She was either glaring at us, or she was severely depressed. Suddenly, she disappeared. I looked closer down the hallway.
"Isaac." I whispered. We heard banging in the right vent.
"Oh no.." Jeremy said. I turned around.
"What?" I asked.
"No nothing!" He said quickly. Suddenly, Cierra screamed.
"Cierra!" Bethany had gotten to her through the vent.
"Jordan!!!" She screamed.
"Don't crawl in to get her!" Jeremy yelled. I cried as I pulled back and watched helplessly as my sister was dragged from my arms.
"WHAT DO YOU WANT WITH US!!!" I yelled at no one in particular. Jeremy waited until I calmed down a bit.
"It's should probably go hide somewhere. The left vent...might be best." He said. I collapsed and started to tear up a bit.
"I was supposed to save my siblings, protect them! They all ended up getting murdered instead! What's the point of even living anymore." I mumbled.
"Because you're smart."
"You're awesome."
"You're nice."
"You're funny."
"You're a good older brother."
"You're a good pianist."
Isaac and Bethany were in the hallway. Isaac and Bethany's eyes were his normal brown.
"We love you SO much Jordan. But here's the part where you leave us behind. Run. Run as far away from this place as you can." Bethany said. I shook my head.
"I'm gonna find a way to get you out of there!" I got off the floor. Bethany sighed.
"Run! We're changing back!" Isaac cried. I watched as their beautiful eyes all turned to a dark, menacing, ruby, blood red. The animatronics all screamed and ran off. I pursed my lips and looked at the security guard. He looked at me and then looked away. I swallowed. I sat down and put my head between my hands. We heard something banging in the right vent. I stood up immediately.
"Who is it?" I asked miserably.
"Bonnie." He sighed. I nodded.
"I'll go check the left vent really quickly." I Said.
"Will do." I walked over to the left vent and got out my iPod. I turned on my flashlight and looked down it. I heard Jeremy scream so I swung around.
"No no no! NO!" I grabbed his legs as Bonnie pulled him into the right vent.
"Let me go!" He yelled.
"Never!" I replied.
"Do it!" He said, kicking his legs. My grip slipped. Bethany and Jeremy slipped around the corner. I breathed heavily. Worst night ever? Indeed.

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