Chapter 36

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After the concert, the five of us met up outside the arena. A lot of people were crowding around us, wanting to take a look at Shawn Mendes' boyfriend, but we managed to escape the crowd and get to Zayn's car.

"Okay," Liam said, hugging Zayn tight. "We'll meet up tomorrow, in the afternoon, at our favourite restaurant."

Zayn nodded for confirmation, leaning in to press a chaste kiss to Liam's lips. "We'll be there."

I turned to Niall. "Hey, is Shawn coming?"

Niall nodded. "Yeah, he doesn't have any more concerts. After this last one he'll be taking a break for a couple of months to work on more writing. He's most likely going to stay close to us in Manchester because apparently I'm his new inspiration." Niall blushed as he spoke and we all cooed.

"Awww, that's cute," Louis teased him, making him flush a deep red.

"Shut up, Lou." he muttered, making us all laugh.

I turned back to Louis. "I'll see you tomorrow, yeah?" I said, placing a kiss to his forehead.

He grinned. "Yup! Love you."

Together, he and Liam left, leaving Zayn, Niall and I looking wistfully after them.

(July 26th, 2015 2:12 p.m.)

The next morning, we drove to the restaurant Liam had told us about and met up with Louis, Liam and Shawn.

"Harry!" Louis yelled, running towards me.

I laughed at his cuteness, but enveloped him in a warm embrace, pressing my face into his soft hair.

"Hey, love. I missed you way too much."

He giggled. "It's only been a few hours, babe."

I froze, looking at him. He noticed, and frowned. "Do you not like it when I call you that? I'm sorry, I won't if it make you uncomfortable or-"

I cut him off with a soft kiss. "Don't worry about it, I just froze because you sounded so perfect saying it."

Louis pouted. "I'm not perfect, stop saying that."

I shook my head firmly. "Nope. You are perfect, and I'm going to keep telling you until you believe me.."


This was the best day of my life. I got to spend the day, not only with all of my best friends, but also with the love of my life. 

"Louis?" Harry's voice brought me out of my thoughts.

"Yeah?" I replied, looking up at him.

"I was asking what you thought of my hair! I'm still growing it out, I want it to go past my shoulders."

I grinned. "You look like a proper prince, Harry."

He smiled at me, dimples popping and I couldn't resist. I poked one, making him squeal and move away. "Lou!"

I laughed, tackling him and a hug, and sighing against his chest when he brought me closer.

"Look!" Niall interrupted our moment. "Shawn's here!"

A black car pulled up, and quickly Shawn stepped out. He was wearing a cap and sunglasses so no one would recognize him as he hurried over to us.

"Hey guys," he spoke. "Hey babe." Niall smiled at him, pulling him in and kissing his cheek.

"Shall we go in?" Zayn spoke.

We all traipsed into the small café, we sat down at a table instead of a booth.


A girl walked up to us. "Hello, I'm Eleanor, and I'll be your waitress for today." She looked at Louis, and smirked.

"And you are?" she asked him.

Louis looked up, surprised. "Uh, Louis." He shook the hand she had held out.

"You're quite handsome," she continued.

At this point, Louis looked a little uncomfortable, so I stepped in. "Do you mind if we order now?"

She rolled her eyes, but proceeded to take our order. 

Soon, our food came, and we dug in hungrily.

"Hey," Niall spoke up. "I know we've all been friends for a while, but I don't really know much about a lot of you, so why don't we play, like, truth or dare? Or truth or truth, because we're in a packed restaurant."

We all agreed, and Niall started. "Okay, um, Liam, what's your biggest fear?"

Liam thought for a moment. "Uh, don't find this weird, but I have a really big fear of spoons."

Everyone laughed. "Spoons?" Zayn teased him, poking his side.

"Oh, leave me alone. The shape is just... so weird! Anyways, moving on... Shawn, have you ever cheated on someone?"

Shawn's eyes widened. "What? No, I would never!"

Niall sighed in relief. "Oh, thank god."

Shawn swatted him. "Harry, who was your first celebrity crush?"

I thought about it. "Um, probably Jennifer Aniston."

Louis looked at me incredulously. "You what? A girl?"

"Oh give me a break. I didn't know I was gay at the time! Um, Zayn, what's the most embarrassing thing you've ever done?"

Zayn looked down, a blush on his face. "Uh, well, there was one time, about 5 years ago, before I met any of you, and I had a boyfriend, his name was Cody. And one day we were going shopping, Christmas shopping for our families. We had only been dating a month or two, but we were already pretty close." Zayn noticed Liam's jealous expression and laughed, placing his hand on his thigh. "Oh, don't worry Li, you're the only one for me." At this Liam smiled. "Anyways, he did kind of dress a little old for our generation, and we went into separate stores for a bit, and when I came out he was standing in another shop at the register paying so I went up behind him, gave him a hug and a kiss on the cheek." If possible, his cheeks flushed redder. "It turns out it was an older man who was wearing the same clothes as Cody, and if that wasn't embarrassing enough, he also turned out to be someone who was interviewing me for a job."

By the end of the story we were all in fits of laughter.

"Louis, where is the weirdest place you've had sex?"

Louis laughed. "Oh, that's easy. The London Eye."

We all gaped at him.

"You did what?" I asked him. 

He nodded. "Yup, it had to be quick, obviously and we had to be careful, but we managed. Niall, have you ever lied to get out of a bad date?"

Niall smiled. "Tons of times. There was one girl who came to the restaurant wearing nothing but a bra and a skirt and then she spilt her drink all over me, and then started flirting with the waiter, it was bloody awful let me tell you. So I just told her that my friend had gotten into a car accident and I needed to leave as fast as possible, and then I bolted." 

Later, Eleanor arrived again to take away our plates. "I hope you enjoyed the food."

I smiled tightly. "Yes, it was-"

"Oh, actually I was talking to this cutie over here." She placed a manicured hand on Louis shoulder.

He pushed it off. "No thanks."

She looked confused. "Did you just... say no to me?"

I rolled my eyes, wrapping my arms around his shoulders. "Yes, he said no. Now please go somewhere else and leave me and my boyfriend alone."

Her eyes widened and she scurried away.

"Jesus, I'll never understand straight people." I huffed falling back into my seat.

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