The Missing Circle

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In the midst of an unending dark void, a giant magic circle illuminated the center. It was the circle of Clow, with its interlocking squares and mystic figures drawn around the sun. At the edges of the golden circle, seven magical beings assembled with their faces dimly lit by the glow.

Towards Eriol's left, the image of Yue stood with his tall slender figure and cascading ice gray hair

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Towards Eriol's left, the image of Yue stood with his tall slender figure and cascading ice gray hair. Towards his right, with her legs crossed and a glass of wine in her hand, Ruby Moon sat caressing Spinel Sun's dark fur.

At the other side of the circle, Sakura and Syaoran sat on a couch facing Eriol. Next to Sakura, Keroberos stood in his original form with his blazing fur and gigantic wings.

"Clow Reed was one of the most powerful sorcerers of his time. He was so powerful, he could create a new being simply by a willful thought. Which is why, his enemies were innumerable, not only in this world but in other worlds too." Eriol spoke with his eyes closed.

With growing age, Eriol had started to bear an uncanny resemblance to Clow

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With growing age, Eriol had started to bear an uncanny resemblance to Clow. His calm expression framed by his mysterious face reminded Sakura of the time she traveled to the past to meet Clow Reed.

"If that's the case, the girl who called Syaoran could be anyone." Sakura reasoned. Her hair was trimmed down to her ears and she looked more youthful again.

Syaoran knotted his brow and thought about the conversation he had with the mysterious girl on the phone, when he was in school.



"How... do you know me?" Syaoran asked with suspicion.

"I am a friend... I know a lot about you, about Sakura... And also... About the Clow Cards." The voice spoke gently.

"Who are you?" Syaoran asked with panic in his voice.

"I am a friend... I call to help you..."

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