Chapter 10

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"Who is your second favorite character of magi or any other anime?" Here comes the battles and I'm sorry if they're a little rushed and out of place. I hate writing battles.


Sharrkan swung his sword at the darkness that shrouded around him. His household vessel wasn't even helping in this situation! It was starting to get very irritating. He groaned, swinging again, the darkness catching onto the sword and pulling it out of Sharrkan's hands. "Hey! Give that back! It's a family relic!" Another voice snickered in the darkness.

"Relic, aye? Then why is it so easy to break?" The sounds of shattering glass entered the young boys ears, making him drop to the floor. The only thing that was now left of him... his sword... was now gone. He clenched his fists, pounding on the ground like a little child.

"I won't be able to win without my sword, without my household..." He mumbled to himself, clenching onto his hair. "ARGHHHHH!"


Masrur flexed his muscles, getting ready to strike, yet he couldn't feel anyone's presence around him. He stayed still, waiting for any signs of movement. When he noticed something with his senses, he blasted towards who he thought was his enemy, but only found nothing. He grunted, feeling something tickle his thigh before he fell, unable to sense anything anymore.

"Jafar, you should really eat something." The other slave kids gestured towards the food that sat in front of the pale child. He shook his head slowly, his eyes dead.

Someone actually tried to force feed the kid but he just pushed the food away. "Don't want the food, I'd rather starve." Masur sighed, walking over to the kid and with one hand forced his hands to stay down as he brought the food up to his face.

"Eat." He ordered, pushing the food into the others mouth after repeatedly being denied access. The boy chewed and swallowed, glaring at the other intently before sighing and eating on his own. Masur somewhat blushed as he looked away, feeling a little embarrassed that he had. The boy, Jafar, smiled warmly at him.

"Thank you..." That only deepened the blush.

After some time the two boys started to stay close to each other, keeping the other company. Until one day... Everyone escaped Lady Maader, all but Jafar... It had been hurting Masur for so long, as he soon realized he had some feelings for the kid, as they were only about 2 years apart.

Now knowing his crush may be already dead, Masur was filled with anxiety and was unable to keep himself up straight. The aching in his heart felt like someone just pulling on the strings of his heart. Tears overflowed his eyes as he cried out, "AHHHHHH....!!"


Pisti flew above the island of Sindria on her huge bird, scouting out the area. The island was being surrounded by darkness that started to engulf the land and its people. It was not hard to see that their people were starting to get restless of waiting and going straight into the darkness. Quickly, Pisti dove down to stop a family from entering the darkness, yet they just walked right past her. Annoyed, Pisti called her bird, yet the darkness started to swallow her up.

She squirmed as she watched her bird start to claw at the darkness, it also getting ahold of the bird. Her eyes widened the her bird was suddenly mushed, blood gapping out of its entire body. "N-no....!!!! NO!!!"

"Here you go, my daughter. This is the rarest bird of Artimera we could find. I hope you love it."

Pisti looked at the bird in awe. "It's so pretty! But what about the black and white birdy?! You said you'd give me one of those!"

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