Chapter 11

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"What anime do you suggest I should watch? (Non too known anime)"

Sinbad could feel his household vessels. They were all in so much pain. He could hear their screams and their cries for someone, anyone to save them. He clenched his shirt tightly as he looked over his country to see it was being filled with this black rukh stuff. It moved like a snake, making its way off the shores and into houses and buildings.

Water stung his eyes as he made his way to where he could see his friend, Hinahoho. But he stopped when he saw that his friend was slowly sinking into degravity (don't know how to spell it sorry hehe..) Sinbad knew that he had to do something, anything to save Hina. So he flew over to him quickly, pulling on his arm. "Hina! Wake up!" Hina only struggled more against Sinbad. If Sin didn't have his djinn equip, he would've been flung into the black goop.

"Arghhh!" Hina finally pushed Sinbad away from him, screaming out in pain as he started to fall limp. "They're all gone...! All of them! I have no family! AHHHH!" Sinbad's eyes widened as Hinahoho slowly started to shine, proving that he was- Indeed- going into degravity. Sin ran to his friend again, tugging on his arm again to gain his focus.

"What are you talking about, Hina!? Jafar's still here! He's your family, isn't he!?" Hina shook his head frantically, not listening to anything Sinbad was saying.

"No! All of them! Even Pipirika! They're all... gone! AHHHHH!" Sinbad was blasted away as Hina's eyes turned completely black. He seemed stronger than before, with his muscles looking like they were about to pop out of his skin. He clenched onto his broken spear, pulling he other half out of the black goop and pointed the two sides at Sinbad. "You... you took them away." That voice wasn't Hina's anymore. It was something demonic.

"W-what are you talking about, Hina!?" Sinbad questioned, flying out of range of the spears. Suddenly he felt something fly past him, cutting his cheek. He looked down at Hina, seeing that one of the sides of the spear was gone. Did he have enough strength to throw a spear this far up into the air!?

Quickly, Sinbad decided to take a higher approach, yelling out Hinahoho's name. Yet nothing he did stopped the beast from charging at him, giving him small cuts all over his body. Sin couldn't fight his friend. He just couldn't. That's why he refused to rise his sword, just trying to evade every attack his foe threw.

That's when he lost his balance while flying, flipping over and watching one side of the spear fly right towards his face. He'd die, it didn't matter if he was in djinn equip. He couldn't move out of the way, he couldn't do anything. He closed his eyes tightly. Sorry, everyone.


"SINBAD!" Yamuraiha's voice cut into Sinbad's mind before he was quickly pushed away by water. Yamuraiha was standing on one of the tall buildings, holding out her wand. Her face was filled with determination. "BE MORE CAREFUL!" She scolded. Sin chuckled, wiping off his face from water.

"Don't you dare ignore me." The demonic voice cut into their conversation, the spear aimed at Yamuraiha. Yam made a quick dodge, the spear only cutting her upper thigh. She groaned, flying up next to Sinbad. That's when Sin realized something. He turned to Yam quickly.

"I told you stay with Jafar!" Yamuraiha didn't respond, just pushed Sinbad and herself away from a flashing light coming straight towards Hinahoho. It stopped right at his feet, appearing as only a light before it turned into a spear identical to Hina's broken one but it not being broken. For a moment, Hina's eyes turned back to normal as he stared it, a small tear coming out from his right eye.

"Oh..." His voice was back to normal as he reached down and picked up the spear, crying. "I'm sorry..." He whispered. Sinbad and Yamuraiha floated down to their friend, running towards him.

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